Angry Dad pilot script.

Breakfast time in the kitchen.

Angry Dad: "oh god damn it.  Another day in my shitty life with my stupid family."

Wife: **runs in** "Oh sorry I gotta run, honey you'll have to cook your own toast! Love you, bye!" **runs out**

Angry Dad: "God damn it!  I can't believe this!  I don't deserve this shit!"

15 year old daughter: "Dad I need more money for clothes."

Angry Dad: "You shut up, damn it!  And stop dressing up like a slut!  Penny whore!  Stop whoring yourself up!  Whore!  Whore-slut!"

14 year old son: "yeah uh, I'm going to hang out at the mall and need $300 for the new iPod."

Angry Dad: "I'm sorry we ever had you. You're a big disappointment and a waste of my money.  Money I should be spending on myself because I EARNED it instead of wasting it on your stupid shit."

14 year old son: **perplexed** "Um, that"s great, dad."

Angry Dad: "You fucking shut up and listen to me when I'm talking to you!"

15 year old daughter: **shouts** "I hate this stupid family!!!"

Angry Dad: **shouts even louder** "I hate it more!!!!!!"

15 year old daughter: "oh whatever!"

Angry Dad: "That's it!  Your bedroom door is coming off!"

Time passes & dinnertime arrives.  Scene: family at the table eating.

Wife: "you know honey, I'm going to be away for 2 weeks with the Church on our annual "Forceful Christian Conversion Retreat" so you're going to have to watch the kids."

Angry Dad: "Oh come on! No! No..NO!!   God damn it!  I don't want to!"

14 year old son: "funny thing happened at the Mall today.  Nathan ..."

Angry Dad: "I don't want to hear this story!!"

15 year old daughter: "Me and Kelly were like talking on the phone all afternoon and..."

Angry Dad: "That's it!  You're dead, kid!  You think Anytime-Minutes grow on trees??"

Wife: **passing bowl** "Oh honey, it looks like we're out of gravy.  There's not enough left for you."

Angry Dad: "That's it!  I'm running away from this family!"

**everyone pauses** **everyone laughs**

Angry Dad: "I'm gone!!" **runs out of the room & runs around outside**

14 year old son: "Oh, dad is so funny!"

3 hours later into the evening

15 year old daughter: **looking out front window** "I think dad ran away for good this time."

Wife to kids: "And if he did, we will spend all of his money and all of the time in every single episode every week tracking him down and making sure he's back here because it's his legal obligation and to be with his family who he loves so much!"

Angry Dad: **at a train station and towards the camera** "I hate my family so much!"


The Aftermath: So yeah, I sent the script in to CBS, ABC and Fox.  They all responded with basically the same thing: it's not very original or inspiring; not much thought or effort put into it; but unfortunately all 3 decided it was good enough for tv & picked up the pilot so now there's that problem.