Turtle Man
(D. Rudager)

they're aliens
they're creatures
they're two-faced beasts
suddenly you have no friends

oh! oh! oh! oh! oh!
she was crass
and she broke your glass
that wasn't the only thing she broke
it doesn't have to make sense.

turtle man, turtle man,
hiding in your shell
where noone can see or critique you.

and you better fear women
shades of blue into red
and you'll snap, snap, snap!

her sharp techno claws will tear your soul into pieces
it might be time to run.

and when you're still celebrating St. Patricks Day well into June...
you know you fear women

you're picking fights with strangers and pissing on cars,
you know you fear women

turtle man, turtle man
unhealthy fear of women, fear of women
healthy smelly

woman is a slut
woman is a slut
woman is a slut
woman is a slut.
circumcision precision.

green black chain shackles shed bull session slave rolling pin barn burner!

oh! oh! oh! oh!
you're dead, man.

you may be spice but you ain't nice.
