Country Hick Poem
By Dolph Rudager

If I were a Country music star, I'd wear a big dumb 'ol white cowboy hat
& boots, skin-tight jeans and a big belt buckle.  Then I'd carry my
acoustic guitar around, and sing in a loud, overbearing tone.  And, of
course, I'd drive a Geo.

**upbeat tempo hick music begins**

"I'm a Ge-o mannnnnnn....
That's all I driiiiiiiive.....
I got big boundriiiiiiiiiiiies....
Ah can't go thirty-fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!"

The Ford version:

"I'm a Ford Truck mannnnnnnn
That's all I driiiiiiiive
I got no boundriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies....
I can't compromise!"