By: Dolph Rudager

"well i'm-a drivin' in my car,
cop comes up to the door,
telling me i ain't got no wheels
or a big dick to fuck with!

a hey hey hey!  that's what i say!

"well i'm-a ridin' in my car
cop comes up to the door
telling me i didn't pay for that air
and it was off to jail or die right there!

a hey hey hey!  that's what i say!

well i'm-a sittin' in the bar
fat woman big as a car
comes up screaming about no chocolate,
or a hole to shit in!

a hey hey, hey!  that's what i say!

well i'm-a drinkin' in the park
loud child runs up to me,
screamin' i kicked over their soda,
as i punched their mom & threw rocks at their SUV.

a hey hey, hey!  that's what i say!

"well i'm-a riding on my cunt,
and the cop comes up to the floor
telling me i ain't got no coordination
and he's got a stabbing knife with blood with my prints!

a hey hey hey!  that's what i say!

"well i'm-a driving in my car,
man comes on the radio,
telling me i ain't got no poon
'cause I got a needle-sized dick with high insurance rates!

a hey, hey hey!  that's what i say!"

I can't get no...
sat 'is...fact...ion...
