Remote Control
By: Dolph Rudager

Where's my�.. remote control?
For the television
Can't get up
Or think
I'm so lazy and have no soul.

Batteries�remote control?
I can't find them
It needs them
I am simple
What can I buy now?

Can't make a thought
Can't pay a bill
Can't be unique
Can't have a brain.

I love.... the pop culture
I have a debit card I use
And a cell phone
Live on the computer
Need to push a button
I need another.. upgraaaaaade!

Another product that I don't need
But I want it
I cannot resist, tho
Don't care �bout Credit Ratings
I need pizza
With extra sausage.
Where's my phone?

Can't write my name
Can't run around
Can't breathe easy
Don't wanna diet

Lookin' out for another Starbucks.

Where's my�. remote control?
Sitting on my ass all day
All I think of is me
Being shallow and materialistic.

Education - going back every year
Regression - not a progression
Extinction - I am in wane
Dissolution - I decay

a Clash parody � 11/24/05