By Dolph Rudager

**slow tempo & piano playing**

I give you my soul
oh your products
so many and so bold

i will wearrrrrrrrrr the swoosh as a badgggggge of honorrrrrrrrrrrr

Niiiiiiiiiiikeeeeeeeee, please control my life!
tell me what to do.
help me open my eyes
design and controlllllllllllll everythingggggggg

Nike, Nike, Nike, gimme me some more Nike, please!

i love your sweatshops
and i love your non-sweatshop pricesssss
bruuutalllllllity...used to make my products with glee.

Nikeeeee, is king of the world
Nike is my home
Nike makes me wake up
you tell meeeeeee to "just do it"
I'd cover the world in a big swoosh if i could
Make Niiiiikeeeeeeee president,
of the universe!
Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve Nikeeeeeeeeee!!
Nikeeeeeeee forevvvvvvvverrrrr!

Just kidding Nike sucks ass.