The Abortion Fate Generator game!  The game that tells you the destiny of the aborted!  Let 'er rip!

aborted at a random check:

5762. wife-beating football player
5763. drug addict
5764. drug addict
5765. drug addict
5766. cockfight ringleader
5767. defective product inventor
5768. slut
5769. occasionally fired lewd public school teacher
5770. whore
5771. prostitute
5772. Notre Dame fan
5773. drug addict
5774. telemarketer
5775. slut
5776. sarcastic bitch like her mother
5777. drug addict
5778. construction worker
5779. bad bus driver
5780. thief
5781. Bible nut
5782. drug addict
5783. crazy bitch
5784. murdered 3 people
5785. drug addict
5786. drug addict
5787. thief
5788. Democrat politician
5789. drug addict
5790. drug addict
5791. ugly cheerleader / neighborhood gossip
5792. child abusing mom
5793. terrible in bed
5794. inventor of addictive and fattening cookie
5795. ugly chick
5796. fighting prone football player
5797. disgruntled fabric store employee
5798. Dilbert
5799. Atheist
5800. dies in car crash as child
5801. drug addict prostitute
5802. won lottery but lost ticket
5803. drug addict Dilbert
5804. poisoned
5805. traffic cop
5806. drug addict football player
5807. rapper
5808. gangster drug addict
5809. TV personality
5810. illegal immigrant
5811. teen delinquent
5812. drug addict
5813. Lester the molester
5814. would have aborted 2 children
5815. murderer
5816. robber
5817. clown
5818. next Hitler
5819. school bully
5820. extortionist
5821. drug addict unknown Hollywood actor
5822. crazy homemaker
5823. McDonalds employee
5824. drug addict
5825. immigrant
5826. crass & narcissistic man
5827. subway token selling man
5828. drug addict
5829. P.E.T.A. member
5830. gangster
5831. gangster
5832. gangster
5833. trendy teen pop singer contestant
5834. extortionist to men
5835. drug addict writer
5836. shoplifter / food tamperer / tainter
5837. whore
5838. terrible romance novel writer
5839. drug addict football player
5840. miserable bitter poor bitch who had rich taste
5841. whore
5842. pro basketball player who commits adultery
5843. newspaper columnist
5844. barren woman
5845. drug addict
5846. man who forever ruined Christmas for all children
5847. fashion reporter
5848. Player with STD's
5849. dumbass
5850. drug addict janitor
5851. town penny-whore
5852. gangster turned minister
5853. abortion protestor
5854. bigot man who owns & runs grocery store
5855. party girl who drives off cliff
5856. old maid
5857. drowned in pool at age 9
5858. passive nerd
5859. jailhouse snitch
5860. bad driver
5861. terrible speller / walked funny
5862. next Stalin
5863. drug addict celebrity
5864. cable guy
5865. telemarketer
5866. school over-achiever / drunk housewife
5867. gangster
5868. incompetent TV sports analyst
5869. drug addict
5870. gas station attendant
5871. opium dealer
5872. Yankees fan
5873. eaten by wolf
5874. slut
5875. next Kenny G.
5876. really bad at math / Cashier
5877. compulsive gambling lesbian school gym teacher
5878. mentally retarded
5879. asshole just like his old man
5880. plus-size model / rapid donut consumer
5881. bi-polar lunatic
5882. avid Star Wars collector
5883. quit smoking but died in train crash

Wow, that's quite a list so far!  So long for now.  Goodbye!