**tape recorder stops**

band members: "heeeeeey, that was pretty good"   "yeah!"   **band happy and content babble**

engineer in booth: "um guys, that song was only 0:37 seconds long."

band members: "wha...?"  "that had to be at least 2 minutes long!"

engineer: "you gotta make it longer!  you'll never be able to fill out an album at this rate!"

band members: "oh come on!"   "it's not about the fans, it's about our music!"   "that's their fuckin' problem!"   "we could make 45 tracks an album, couldn't we?"   "I need beer."

engineer: "come on, guys, repeat a verse or something.  add a keyboard solo or use a 2nd chord or somethin'.  just do SOMETHING."

band members:
"oh I don't know."  "hand me that fortune cookie.  we'll use that."   "let's cut this shit."

engineer: **sigh**

band members:
"1 2 3 4!"   **band starts playing**   **repeats fortune vocally 18 times in 0:28 seconds**    **stops**

band members: "yeah!"   "alright!"   "whoo!"

engineer: "just terrible, guys."

band members: "I still think people would rather hear 25 short songs than 7 crappy long ones."   "let's trash the studio."