A scene from the old Bob Newhart show last night.

Middle-aged & chidless couple Emily and Bob climb into bed for the evening reflecting on babying sitting a friend's 8 year old son from the day.

Emily: "Boy, it sure was nice to hear the sound of a little one running around, today."

Bob: **slightly nods head**

Emily: "Boy, it sure isn't tough being a substitute teacher these days."

"um.. **stutters for a bit** .. why..why isn't it?"

" 'Cause we live in the very Liberal city of Chicago during the early 1970s, Bob.  And we're very Liberal modern old people."

Bob: "oh.  **looks around** well, Emily... I guess the only that there's left to do is suck the dick, and uh, cock."

Emily: "No, Bob, that's a terrible idea!  I won't do it!"

Bob: "k." **turns out the lights**

**brief pause**

Bob: "whe..whe...well Emily,  you..you can forget about fingerpainting."


Classic television indeed!  Damn it, they just don't write sitcoms like they used to!