Voiceover: "there's a new comedy coming this Fall on ABC...."

Dad: "where the HELL is that damn kid!"

Voiceover: "...from Untitled Daily Column Project Productions...."

male teen: "there's no way our stupid dad is going to find out!"

Voiceover: "...comes a rather jaded family..."

dad: "oh that kid is SO dead!"

Voiceover: "... is a new show called.."Dead Kid"...."

male teen / Dead Kid: "you can't tell me what to do, you and your ratty old flannel shirt & crazy stubble faced clown!"

Voiceover: "...and on a very special episode of "Dead Kid", Dead Kid brings his dad's gun to school."

dad: "where in the hell is my god damn gun?? I need it for work!!  That kid is so dead!"

"...nobody knows what he's up to."

mom: "where the hell is the car & your brother?!"
sister: "I last saw him and his friends joyriding with some liquor bottles."

**quick fade out / fade in**

mom to dad: "The Government called today.  They're looking for our son."
dad: "that kid is DEAD.  so DEAD!!!!!!"

**quick fade out / fade in**

Family sitting down at dinner. Dead kid: "so yeah, apparently the bus driver caught me cutting the bus seats and I'm being forced to pay for the damages.  So I need some money."
dad: "grrrrrrrrrrrrr."
Dead Kid: "yeah somehow they found out it was me that was making metal car key scrape-marks all over the chalkboards so I got a 2 week suspension from school."
dad: "damn it!"
Dead Kid: "Heheh, somebody flooded the gym last night and the basketball court is all wavy and curled up.  Hahahaha!"
ad: "grumph!!!"
Dead Kid: "oh ya dad, I accidentally threw my math book out the bus window so I'm gonna need a new one."
dad: "god damn it!!!!"
Dead Kid: "Mom, your car is kinda missing the right tail light, and now it drives a little wobbly and steers to the right."
dad: **slams down fist** "That's IT!  You are so DEAD!" **jumps out of chair and chases after Dead Kid**

**quick fade out / fade in**

dad: (in bathroom) **hears glass breaking in the background** "Damn it!  How in the hell can you be in trouble already?! I'm trying to shave here!"  **slams down razor** "I'm coming after you, dead kid!"

Voiceover: " 'Dead Kid', coming this fall on ABC!"