Father: **quoting from essay** "And that, was the greatest story ever told." Can you believe I was only 17 when I wrote that??"

Young son: "I didn't like it."

Father: "You know we could have aborted you!!!!"

Young son: "But you didn't!  Hahahaha!"

Father: **grump grump grunt** "We should have!"

Young son: "Ha ha, too late now!"

Father: "We should dump your ass off at a Catholic boarding school.  Those nuns would break your fingers 6 ways to Tuesday."

Young son: **takes a sip from a glass** "Hahaha, chocolate milk rules!!!"

Father: **eyes grow wide & is now fuming**

The next day.

Scene: Young son has face pressed against back window of taxi cab driving away.

Father: **waves goodbye** "so long, son!  Maybe we'll visit you Christmas break or sometime!  ....Maybe!" **continues waving and laughing**