Flour tortilla pizza

Tired?  Hungover?  Lazy?  Impotent?  Strung-out?  Bored?  Fugitive on the run?  Sick of a thick-crusted pizza?  Perhaps you don't feel like "really" cooking or going out and getting some shitty fast food.  Here's an idea I came up with after not having any pitas lying around & after hearing flour tortillas are gaining popularity, especially in pastries because of its low-fat content.

Ingredients that I used:
Flour tortillas, tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil, fennel seeds, onion powder, oregano, pepperoni and a cookie sheet.

Basically, I put the tortillas on the cookie sheet; I spread on some tomato sauce, leaving 1 inch from the edge because the shit can ooze out over the edge.  Then I put all of the shit on, pop it in the oven at 400 degrees or so and its sits in there until the cheese starts bubbling up.  The crust on the edges turns into a nice, golden brown crunchy cracker.  Of course, this isn't rocket science and you can put your own toppings on.     

I've never really been about those 1-inch thick pizza crusts and sometimes it's nice to have a thin crust.  This is perfect for people who hate to eat crust.  It can also be folded up and eaten like a taco (tho kinda messy since it tends to drip on the edges.  Eat it all-out like when you...yeah..eat-out).