It's breakfast time at the Cunningham household.  Richie and Mr. Cunningham are sitting at the breakfast table.  Mrs. Cunningham is in the kitchen.

Mrs. Cunningham: "Good morning Howard."
Mr. C: "Good morning, Marion.  What's for breakfast?" **looks up from newspaper**
Mrs. Cunningham: "We're having toast!"
Mr. C. "Oh! **thinks, now excited** Strawberry??"
Mrs. Cunningham: "nope, we're all out. "Grape" !"
Mr. C. **snarls & now is pouting**

**Fonzie kicks the front door open**
Fonzie: "Heyyyyyyyyyyyy Mr. C!"
Mr. C: "alright god damn it, that's IT, Fonzie!"
Fonzie: "Heeeeeeeeeeey Mr. C?"
Mr. C: **runs up to Fonsie and begins strangling him** "alright listen up, punk!  I'm sick of you coming on to my wife; leering lustfully at my daughter, filling my son Richard's head with a bunch of garbage ideals and beliefs!  And it's gonna fuckin' stop right NOW!"
Fonzie: "Whoa, hey, Mr. C!"
Mr. C: **now shouting hysterically** "Now don't give me any fucking shit, punkhead!!!"
Richard: "Dickhead science teacher is always harping on Potsie."
Mr. C: "Stay OUT of THIS, Richard!!!"

**Mr. C. proceedes towards his car while dragging Fonzie along by the neck and seat of his jeans while muttering "lousy mother...fucking son of a bitch..."...

**Mr. C. throws Fonsie to the ground and kicks Fonsie in the head a few times
& gets into his car** 

Mr. C: "Fucking asshole!" 
**Mr. C turns on the ignition and proceedes towards Fonzie's motorcycle**
Fonzie: "Whoa, hey, wait Mr. C!  I thought we were swell friends!"

**Mr. C drives his big-ass car over Fonzie's Motorcycle**
Fonzie's motorcycle: **crack, cringle** **snap** **sound of metal scraping along asphalt**
Mr. C: "Ah-hahaha! Yeah!  Stupid fucking asshole!  Ruining your motorcycle to a pile of shit!"
Fonzie's motorcycle: **crumble scrumble** **screeeeeeeeech** **bam snap**

Mr. C:
**shouts out of his car...** "Now stay the fuck away from my family and get the hell out of my town or I'll have the Sheriff shoot your ass out of my town!!!"

**looks down** "Geeeeeeeeeez!"  **gives a 2-thumbs down**