The Honeymooners.

Alice with hands on hips: "Now listen up here, Ralphie.  You got a big stomach an' a fat ass an' nobody likes ya, see?!"

Ralph: "I oughta throw you right outta that window right now, Alice!"

Alice: "You don't have the guts, fat boy!"  **walks away**

Ralph: **mumbles to self**


Alice with hands on hips:
"You know what your problem is, you see, Ralphie?  You're too busy drivin' around that bus all day with your big fat head up yer big fat ass, see?!"

"I oughta take this knife and gut you like a fish if we didn't have these potatoes here to peel for dinner."

Alice: "Always too busy thinkin' about food for your fat stomach, Ralphie!" **walks away**

Ralph: **punches cardboard apartment wall on the set**


Alice with hands on hips: "Now listen up here, Ralphie.  You're just as worthless as the poop you shit out of your ass every night!"

Ralph holds up fist: "One of these days, Alice....."

Alice: "Yeah yeah, Ralphie boy, 'one of these days, one of these days, one of these days, one of these days...' " **repeats over and over**

Ralph: **eyes grow wide and deeply focused on Alice's repetitiveness**

Alice: "Listen up here, Ralphie boy!  You ain't nothin' more than a glorified diesel box driving monkey, see?!"  **walks away**

Ralph: "Alice!  YOU... *grunt!* "    **grabs chest & strokes out and drops dead before retort is exchanged**