Somewhere in Europe...1968...

Paul: "alright now, is that tape rolling? It is?  Ok... here we go!"
John: "k..."

**music starts with fast piano intro.  Paul begins clapping**

Paul: **begins singing** "Oh blah dee, oh blah dah..."

John: **rolls eyes** "Oh for christ's sake..."

Paul: **continues singing** "...BRAAAA!!!!  La la life goes on!"

John: "not another fruity song for grannies."
Paul: "c'mon, John..."

John: "pffffffff."

Paul: **sings** "....waiting at the door and as he gives it to her she begins to sing.  sing!"

John: "no."

Paul: "oh damn it!! **music stops** Take 2!"

John: **grunts**
Paul: "from the top!"

**John reluctantly sings his part for the 2nd thru 156th times.  Music starts & concludes**
Paul: "Oh blah dee, oh blah dah... braaaaaa! la la la la la..if want to have some fun,  oh blah dee do dah! ho ho ho!"

John: "you're going to get sued."

Paul: "no i'm not... Wait...oh shit."

And Paul did get sued.... by a Jamaican guy who coined the phrase "Ob-La-Di,  Ob-La-Da" and Paul didn't give him credit.  The song was recently on a "50 Most Awesomely Bad Songs ... Ever" list.  Serves you right, Paul.