Hold 'em poker tips:

always fold when you have an Ace / King.  You will never win with it, and it's always a trap for a devastating loss. 

intentionally play poorly at times.  Nothing confuses people more than stupid playing.  intentional botch.

bluff loudly and often.  Often shout out "shit!" or "woo hoo!" or "i got a pair of 8's!" or "oh come on!" when you actually have a good hand.  Also engage in loud banter to distract and annoy people. 

Disrespect your opponent.  They are the enemy.  Use vulgarity and be especially disrespectful to females. 

Never, ever fold.  who knows where a 2 / 7 will get you!

Have a friend in the establishment, and occasionally have the friend call you on the cell phone, and engage in convos, and have the friend walk by and peek at your opponents cards and transfer the info back to you.  Of course, this only works if people hold the cards in their hands.

That is all for now.