Email us at [email protected]
We are looking for pictures from the shows, banquet, or any other MPHSC activity that can be posted on our site.  Please include a clear photo and identify people and horses in the photo.  Send them via email to us at [email protected]
2009 MPHSC Officers & Club Contacts
2009 MPHSC Rules
2009 MPHSC Calendar & Show Results
2009 MPHSC Nomination Form
2009 Nominations & Point Standings
Member Clubs:
Aryn's Saddle Club
Blue Ridge Riding Club
Rules Reference:
American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA)
American Miniature Horse Registry  (AMHR)
Fulton County
Previous Year-End Award Winners
MPHSC Photo Album
MPHSC Sponsors & Friends
Gettysburg Riding Club
Mountain Valley Riders Saddle Club
Last updated:
4:15 a.m.
Send us pictures of your foals!
Path Valley Saddle Club
S & D's Painted Acres
Silver Star Saddle Club
Sulphur Springs Stables
Thurmont Riding Club
2008 MPHSC Calendar & Show Results
2008 Nominations & Point Standings
2008 Year-End Information
U P   N E X T . . .
Points have been updated with ALL shows posted.

MPHSC Meeting - the last Monday of October
details to follow

Annual Awards Banquet - December 5

Yahoo has announced that GeoCities will be closing on October 26, 2009.  The MPHSC has a new website that is still being developed.  Please bear with us during this transitional phase and we'll post the new website address shortly.
2009 Awards Banquet
DECEMBER 5, 2009 at the Chambersburg V.F.W.
(Same location as last year)
More details to follow...
Hosted by