<bgsound src="beneathwings.wav" loop="infinite">


I am blessed, blessed,blessed
by the Lord Almighty
I am blessed for His
Spirit came down on me!

In church this morning
feeling sad and alone
The Master reached down
and touched me from His Heavenly Home
He said my child
there is no need to fear
For beside you always I am here

I am blessed, blessed, blessed
by the Lord Almighty
I am blessed for His
Spirit came down on me!

Tears filled my eyes for I felt
His loving arms embrace me tight
And there I received comfort knowing
He was there to help me win the fight
I felt the touch of the Masters Hand
Now I know by my side
He will always stand

I am blessed, blessed, blessed
by the Lord Almighty
I am blessed for His
Spirit came down on me!

My soul now has been made whole
and oh what joy I feel
I know now Jesus has always loved me
and loves me still
Now Satan can do me no harm
For with Jesus my Savior
I walk arm in arm
I praise thee Father in Heaven above
For he has renewed me with His gracious love!

Margaret Pike �2006

I wrote this after attending a new church this past Sunday 7/16,
it had been a while since we had been. We had turned away from the Lord
and this past Sunday he brought me under conviction for it.
The song playing is one of the ones that we sang Sunday,
and that is when he reached down and started pouring His spirit out on me.
It was a feeling that I had never felt before,
I had the Spirit all over me. It was just amazing,
I pray for everyone to feel that joy!
I have been so much better off since this past Sunday,
I renewed myself, as the Evangelist said that was there Sunday,
I got a refilling which I so needed! I give Him all the Praise,
Honor, and Glory!! What a mighty God we serve and isn't it great
to know that one day He is coming for us! What glorious day that will be!
I have alot of people praying for my family
and I just want to say thank you, I know God heard them
because we were in church Sunday. We tried using the same excuses
about not going but God spoke to me and told me NOT
to let the devil win, so I didn't.
I walked in my living room looked at my husband
and said get ready we are going to church,
the devil ain't going to stop us today
or any other day from now on!
Praise the Lord!!!!
So we went and I am so thankful
that we did! We found a new home church
and we received something that we had been needing!!!!!
Thank Jesus!!!!!!

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