This poem is in memory of my daddy.
He passed away from cancer when I was 10 years old.10 days after my 10th birthday to be exact.This year on April 14 makes 18 years that he has been gone. I remember the pain like it was yesterday but it has become easier. I come to realize that it never goes away.
But with the Lord holding my hand and blessing me with a great mother I made it. She was all I had at that time and I was all she had and together we made it. I am still very blessed to have my mother in my life.
She loved my daddy very much. He was a truckdriver and was very rarely home, but I knew he loved me there was no doubt about that.
We had this thing that we would do when he got ready to leave. I would stand at the window and watch him roll out of the driveway and we would give each other the thumbs up sign, just a reminder to each other that he would be thinking of me while he was gone.
And that everything was OK.
So I dedicate this poem to him and if he is looking down from up above I pray he knows that I love him!

Not as close the way
a father daughter should be

But still deep down
I knew how much he loved me

I was only 10 when
I lost my dad

But I am so thankful
for the time we had

We had a special love
that was often unspoken

But the bond that we did have
couldn't be broken

Daddy I miss you
This I hope you know

Your little girl is sending you
hugs and kisses from down below

Copyright 2006 Margaret Pike

After I sent this page out, a very good friend of mine replied to me with this poem. It touched my heart so much! This is truly something that he would say to me. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for doing this for me. Please take time to check out her lovely Christian poem site also.

This one's for Maggie

It's been 18 years my little one since we had to say goodbye
but please my little Maggie don't let it bring tears to your eyes
I hope you know that all though years while I was on the road,
spent traveling long hours with load after load.
All I wanted was to be at home and watch you play
but I had to make a living day after day.
Every time I left in the window I would see
my sweet little Maggie giving a thumbs up sign to me
So I knew that you would be safe and alright.
as I headed down the road again out of site.
But here in heaven I have a perfect view
of your mama the kids ,mike and you
I can watch over you and make sure you are alright
so my Maggie here's wishing you a good night
So stand at that window tonight and you'll see
a thumbs up sign up in heaven from me.
written by

Gloria Collins

I know you're daddy's watching Margaret
and he knows you love him.

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Music......Go Rest High
by Vince Gill <bgsound src="wavGillGoRestHighOnThatMountain.wav" loop="infinite">

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