With Love

You are My Lover,My Husband, and My Best Friend

This is my Mike..... and this May 21st will make 9 years ( 13 years altogether) of marriage for us. I wanted to do something special to try and show him how much he means to me. We started out young and only had a few people that believed we could make it.We have been through alot but by the Grace of God we made it and with His hand in our marriage we are still making it. I want to tell everyone what he means to me and how much I love him! I tried to sit down and write a poem for this page but I just can't put those kind of feelings into words. We have had this saying between us for the longest time so maybe this will be enough:
I love you more than words can say;
More than I can show;
More than you will ever know!

Mike, I loved you then
I love you still
always have
always will!

The song playing is
I'm Tired of Pretending I Don't Love You Anymore
by Travis Tritt
It is the first song that we danced to.
It holds alot of meaning for us.....

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Mat 19:6

<bgsound src="TravisTritt_IDontLoveYouAnymore.wav" loop="infinite">

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