Coach Rickey McKinney
Blue Hitters  
  Years Coached 4 Playoff Record 0-0 Team Coach History Current Records Holding    
  Career Record W-L-T Superbowl 0 2004 - Deez Nutz (Coach J Wells)      
  25-33-0 Team Anchors 0 2005  - Blue Hitters (Coach McKinney)    
Home: Oliver Springs, Tennessee        
Email:  [email protected]        
Contract History   Yearly Record 
Name Position Year Signed Contract Length  Expiration year   Year  W L T points Placed Final Record Inc. Playoffs & Consolation Year Achievments
B Marshall WR 2007 1 year 2008   2004 8 7 0 1942.67 8 8-9-0.  
Craphonso Thorpe (Free Agent) WR 2005 3 year rookie 2008   Totals 8 7 0 1942.67 8 8-9-0.  
Adam “PacMan” Jones  DEF 2006 2 year 2008   Wells Fired, McKinney Hired.
V Young QB 2006 3 year rookie 2009   2005 6 9 0 2075.26 7 7-10-0.  
T. Holt WR 2006 3 year 2009   2006 7 8 0 2129.34 7 8-9-0.  
T Scheffler TE 2006 3 year rookie 2009   2007 8 7 0 2156.68 7 9-8-0.  
E Graham RB 2007 2 year 2009   2008 1 6 0        
B Westbrook RB 2007 3 year 2010   2009              
J Jones WR 2007 3 year rookie 2010   2010              
D Harris DEF 2007 3 year rookie 2010   2011              
M Hasslebeck QB trade trade 2008   2012              
            Coach Totals 22 30 0 6361.28 7 24-27-0.  
            Franchise totals 30 37 0 8303.95 7.5 32-36-0.  
Trades and Transactions Team Notes Team Records
2006 - Used an anchor                                                                                                                                Hasslebeck on contract to end of season 5 Win Streak Lose Streak High Pts Low Pts Best Record
2006 Traded Barber to Buckeyes for Moss Thorpe dropped due to not having a team. 3 6 198.25 79.32 8-7-0.
  2008 - Traded M Bulger for M Hasslebeck with Skull Stompers       2004/07 2007 2007 2005 2004/07
        Most Pts Season        
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