Authorfs Note:

One of my earlier pieces of writing. There was a part 2 and 3 planned out for this, but alas, it turned out to be one of those things that just didnft fly (read: I got bored and lazy with it). Consequently, readers may find discrepancies in the story, parts that should have been explained and revealed later on.  But still; Ifm pretty happy with how it turned out.

And so I present;



A Murder Of Crows





TRACK 0: A Prelude



Clerkh sat alone in his office, wreathed in the shadows of a drowning sun. The flickering screen of a computer shone in the dimness, its harsh light rendering his rectangular spectacles an icy opaque. His hands, enveloped in thin white gloves, were folded atop the cool hard oak of the desk in front of him. Embroidered upon the back of his gloves was the stark silhouette of a raven crying a droplet of crimson blood, the long forgotten insignia of the Imperial Army.

On the other side of the extensive glass panes before him spread the city of Nelo Angeles in all itfs twisted glory, spiraling black towers and sulking brick buildings, lacerated by gaping alleyways and stitched together by rails and ramps. Yellow lanterns were flickering on here and there, pallid flecks of light that looked like the wan reflections of stars upon a shimmering lake.

And it was from atop his lofty Byzantine perch that gClerkh watched the inky night spill through his sprawling empire. His lips tightened, and his wintry eyes, hidden behind the gleam of his glasses, seemed to gaze far off into the distance, where the last tendrils sunlight clawed with desperate futility at the blackening sky.

A phone started trilling on his desk. gClerkh picked the flat, rectangular receiver up with a white-gloved hand. He made no greeting or any sign of acknowledgement, but silently waited for the caller to speak.

gfClerkf.h The voice on the other side was coarse and strangely nasal, doubtlessly mechanically altered to conceal the speakerfs identity. gHow are matters progressing with the Gianti hit?h

gClerkh narrowed his eyes in slight irritation. He hated clients who called more than once, seeking empty assurances, impatient and anxious to get the job done. His reply was frosty with courtesy.

gEverything is proceeding smoothly, Sir. Termination agents of cryptonym eJack of Spadesf and cryptonym eBasiliskf have just been dispatched to the site. They are two of our most competent operatives. I assure you that the operation will be completed before midnight.h

gMake sure it is.h With a curt click, the phone went dead in his hand. gClerkh carefully set it back to its cradle.

Outside, the sky was pitch black now. Sensors on the ceiling detected the lack of light, and automatically the lights inside his office stuttered on. The sudden sluice of bleached light washed over his smoothly chiseled features, surprisingly youthful as he squinted his sleek, hard blue eyes.   

Pulling a drawer open, gClerkh took out a box of cigars. With a long, thin thumb he flicked open the lid and snaked a roll halfway out of the box. Pulling the rest of it out with his lips, he let it droop there between his teeth as he fished for a lighter and set it alight. Taking a raking draw on the cigar, he flipped a switch on the record player sitting a stool by his desk.

Allowing the faintest trace of a sigh to mingle with the wispy plume of tobacco smoke expelled from his lips, gClerkh closed his eyes and sank in his chair. Burying a hand in his silky black hair and propping his head up with his elbow, he pushed a button on his desk and the lights turned themselves back off.

As the last droplet of crimson slowly soaked into black, the man sat there in the deathly darkness, swirling down into the black world of a musician, long forgotten. Falling, falling.





Track 1: Crash the Party



It was a beautiful night.

          The murmuring hum of conversation drowned the banquet hall like a fevering prayer. Wine glasses clinked together, silver forks and knives clattered on fine china plates. The lingering smell of cigarette smoke laced the air, and light buoyant music wafted and billowed like a pleasant breeze. Surrounded by the flock of round, expensively clothed dining tables was the dance floor. Waiters, smoothly balancing their trays in one hand, strolled leisurely through the hall, serving drinks to exquisitely dressed men and women. The guests all radiated a sense of importance and confidence, smiling and sipping their wines with suave self-possession.

The hall itself was a masterpiece of decor, sweepingly vast, with ivory pillars that dissolved into lacquered, ornately sculpted black oak flowing up into lofty balconies. Precious little angels peered down from the carved mosaic on the domed ceiling high above, eyes of sapphires and wings of pearl. A soft sickle moon peered in from a terrace door, silver curtains fluttering mellowly in the night wind.

In stark contrast to the majestic air of the banquet hall were the guards, wearing jet-black tuxedoes and black, square framed sunglasses. They sulked around the shadows of the walls, sub-machineguns slung casually over their shoulders, their sidearms flashing into view from under their jackets as they walked. A few stood around up on the balconies, fingering their matt-black rifles as they stared down intently at the guests below.

Hither two men stood in the shadows of one of the pillars, standing well apart from the rest of the guests. One was a small and young, with straight black hair that shot down to his shoulders, neatly parted in the middle of his forehead. He wore small round spectacles, and behind them his light green eyes were narrow but ever so slightly down-turned, giving them a warm, gentle air. His features were sharp delicate, his face thin.

His companion was taller by a head, with a rugged crop of blond hair. He wore square framed sunglasses, large and black and completely opaque, which utterly obscured his eyes and shrouded his thoughts. His brows, just visible from over the rim of his shades, were perpetually wrinkled as if in slight annoyance, but his well-shaped lips were set flat and emotionless. Two black iron earrings hung from his left ear, the ornaments plain but nonetheless a bit out of place on the solemn figure.

Both of them were dressed in simple but well fitting crow black suits, identical save that the shorter man wore a red bow tie, the knot crisp and perfect. He sipped on his wine, dreamily twitching a finger to the music.

His taller companion moved his head slightly, presumably giving the young man a sidelong glance, though it was impossible to tell for sure because of his shades.

gYoufre aware consumption of alcohol during an operation is a direct violation of regulations, of code 13-0-7 eJack of Spadesf,h the taller man cautioned, in a flat, monotonous voice that bordered on satire. gFurther infringement will force me to make a report to eClerkf.h He himself hadnft touched anything but water since the two had entered the hall. 

gJack of Spadesh – termination agent Francis Valefore, moved only his twinkling olive pupils to peer up at his own reflection in the onyx, insectoid lenses of his partner.

gRelax, Cas. As long as wefre here we might as well enjoy ourselves, right?h Francis gave an artless smile and took another sip of his drink. gAnyways Ifd say the regulations are a joke; I mean, who doesnft drink at a party? It helps keep you inconspicuous. Mr. eClerkf will understand.h He turned his twinkling eyes back to the dance hall.

gBasiliskh – termination agent Caspiel Caquix, thinned his lips even further as his companion began to faintly nod his head along with the up tune melody of a piano that had begun playing on a dais over at the other side of the hall.

gI trust you havenft forgotten what wefve come here to do, eJack of Spadesf.h

gNow, what could possibly make you say that?h Francis dipped his finger into the wine and began to rub it lightly on the rim of his wineglass, making it hum. Caspiel watched him do so in silent but furious distaste, and the smaller man peeked up rather sheepishly. Feigning resign, he lifted his hand off the glass, and licking wine droplets off his finger with a playful little tongue, he tilted the wineglass ever so slightly. Abruptly the top half of the cup mysteriously slid off, as if cut cleanly in half by an invisible blade. Falling to the marble floor, it shattered with a lighthearted tinkle. Wine sloshed against the severed end of the glass, and Francis put his lips to it carefully.

gThat was not my idea of inconspicuous.h It almost seemed as if an edge of exasperation was creeping into Caspielfs not terribly expressive voice.

          Francis shrugged.

gHey, whofs watching? All theyfre thinking of is who to drive off to their suites for a nightfs fun, after the partyfs over,h he said, motioning with a vague hand towards the crowd before them.

His taller companion was spared an answer, for at that very moment a figure popped into view within the forest of guests sauntering in the dance hall.

gTherefs Vassago Gianti.h Francis tensed visibly, his body charging with excitement.

gDonft be so sure, he could be a decoy- halt any further action until we receive positive identification,h Caspiel cautioned, fiddling with a flat square panel in his hands. A small round lens was fixed to the top of the device, and he beamed it straight towards the direction of the burly, sharply dressed man. The laser proceeded to do a quick scan for any holographic or robotic gimmicks present in the vicinity. The panel flashed – PROCEEDING SCAN.

The slick, beefy crime lord ambled through the sea of guests, and where he walked, the crowd parted. He wore a velvety black tuxedo and a blood red cummerbund with a tie to match, his cufflinks glittering gold. Egg-like rings gleamed on his thick fingers. Admirers and fawners alike flocked around him, desperate to please and eager for a favor. He smiled at them good naturedly, playing the perfect host, though his beady brown eyes flickered this way and that, hungry with reptile design. Two bodyguards walked with him by his side.

Caspiel flipped the panel shut in his hands.

gWe have a negative. Hefs the real thing.h

gYou know, why donft we just kill him here and now?h Francis suggested hopefully.

gNo, we stick to the protocol. Wefre to do this by the book.h 

          gWhen do we ever not.h He gave a small – albeit a little hypocritical - stoic sigh. gThen letfs get to work, shall we?h

But Caspiel was already sliding away into the shadows and out of view. gJack of Spadesh watched him disappear out of the banquet hall, and then turned his gentle green eyes to Gianti. Throwing his mutilated wine glass carelessly to the floor, he made his way across the ballroom with a brisk stride, weaving lithely through the bustle of people. 

gExcuse me.h Francis crafted a pleasant smile on his beautiful face as he approached the gangster. He stopped a respectable distance away, and gave a sweeping bow. gFrancis Valefore, at your service.h

Gianti frowned at him.

gWho the hell are you? I havenft seen you around before.h Beside him his bodyguards tensed, their hands brushing their waists and the firearms holstered there.

gOh, you could call me ac messenger for an acquaintance of yours,h Francis said.

gMessage? What message is this? How the hell did you get in here?h

Francis spread his hands and held them up to his shoulders, as if in surrender. His eyes danced playfully behind the lenses of his round glasses.

gI believe his exact words were; Ifll be seeing you in hell, monster.h

What happened next was impossible to capture with the naked eye, his hands blurring like the wings of a black hummingbird. There was a white flash in his hands as he lashed an arm out to the guard on his right, and without a sound, the manfs head rolled off his shoulders with a spray of blood. Before the detached member was halfway to the ground, his other arm slammed its palm into the chest of the bodyguard on his left. There was a curious rasping, sliding sound, and when he drew back his hand, the bodyguard slammed down to the ground spilling crimson from his mouth with a gaping slit over his heart. The head and the two bodies hit the ground almost simultaneously. The body of the headless man was twitching spastically on the ground; spewing his crimson lifefs water everywhere.

 Screams and shouts rang through the hall as the guests all scrambled out of the doors, and as if by magic the crowd was instantly replaced by a small army of guards. They surrounded Francis in a loose ring of gun barrels, the sounds of their cocking and locking resonating into the night air.

gHow the fucking hell did he get a blade like that in here? All the guests are supposed to have been fucking body-searched,h Gianti shrieked from outside the deadly circle.

gHey pretty boy, you just put your goddamn shanks down, and we promise we wonft cut you into pieces with it before we shoot you,h one of the thugs said.

Francis looked unruffled in this sea of naked hostility.

gWhat blades?h he said in mock curiosity, raising his hands, which were, mysteriously, completely empty. He examined them himself with a quizzical expression on his face.

gOh, you mean, these blades?h

There was that rasping, slithering sound again, and a silver beam began to slide out of the heels of his palms. The knifelike blade was thin and flat, extending from his inner wrist parallel to his hands, so that he had to keep his palms facing away from his body to keep from cutting his fingers. Nothing fastened the knives to his hands; they simply burst out of the skin on his forearm like retractable claws.

gWhat the fucking hell!?h

gShoot him,h ordered Gianti.

Every single gun in the hall discharged at Francis in a deafening explosion of light and sound. Machine guns grated and rattled, shotguns boomed. Sizzling brass rained down onto the ground like golden rain. The bullets chewed through every inch of his body, bursting his head like an overripe fruit and shattering his bones and flesh into gory mush – if he had been there.

gHuh?h As the last gun clicked dry, a baffled, dull-witted sound escaped the lips of the gunmen. As the smoke cleared they saw, that though the ground where Francis had been standing was a veritable beehive of bullet marks, what should have remained of the little man was nowhere to be seen.

gNice night, isnft it?h The artless, carefree voice came from directly behind them. All the guards gyrated towards the source of the sound, and they saw Francis gJack of Spadesh Valefore, lazily leaning against an ivory pillar with not a speck of dust on his suit.

gA- a teleporter!?h Gianti moaned.

gExcellent guess.h But Francis was already crouching on the shoulder of one of the bodyguards with catlike balance. A quick flick of the wrist slit his throat open, and the small man vanished again. But in the same instant another guard toppled backwards with a quivering red incision from stomach to throat, and then on the other side of the room another went down to his knees; or the gushing stumps that was left of them. Francis flitted this way and that through the guards, slashing open and eviscerating and lacerating with every little wink of existence. He killed and killed and killed, he killed the riflemen up on the balconies, he killed the guards as they ran, he killed them before they could even think to turn their weapons on him. He aimed only at the soft, vulnerable parts of their bodies, slitting throats and stabbing hearts from between ribs, so that the blades made hardly any sound as they relentlessly dissected each guard as they stood with methodical precision. For a single nightmarish moment the whole banquet hall was suddenly transformed into a solemn abattoir of human butchery, and only fearful moans, the occasional shout of a warning too late and the merciless slide of blade against flesh graced the otherwise soundless air.

When Francis finally solidified into unfluctuation not five seconds later, licking at the stains running down on his blades, blood lapping at the soles of his black leather shoes, all of the guards lay scattered dead at his feet. With the tip of his blood-drenched knife he readjusted the frame of his spectacles upon his nose, and with self-possession bordering on nonchalance, he turned at the gangster cowering in the blood of his own dead soldiers. No warmth was in his narrow eyes now- they were as cold as snow-covered pine, though his lips were slit in a slashing smile.

gYoufre.. youfre from the Guild, arenft you?h the gangster said, his body limp and his expression weak with surrender.

gAnother brilliant deduction. Now, since Caspiel would kill me if I didnft, before I kill you I need to read you your-g

          BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM- suddenly a dirty silver gun flashed in Giantifs hand, barking furiously with ear grating clamor. Anyone but a teleporter would have never been able to dodge the barrage of hot lead, but by pure reflex Francis managed to flit sideways and out of its lethal path. Momentarily blinded by the muzzle flashes, he stumbled back as Gianti dashed across the hall and out the door with surprising speed for a man of such girth.

          Gianti burst down the hallway, now completely empty. He was panting like a dog, his heart hammering in his chest with treacherous pain. As the crime-lord looked about frantically for the exit, his panic stricken head whirled with inane thoughts. The place was supposed to be absolutely secure, the guests all had to be visually identified and screened for weapons. Where the fuck did that guy come from? But then, that was a stupid question. The sonovabitch was a fucking teleporter. The only problem, and one that could turn lethal, was that even he had not foreseen the possibility of one of the monsters from the Assassinfs Guild coming for him. Blood crazed Imperials, driven insane from a century of hiding- he had heard rumors of them selling their service as contract hitmen but he hadnft believed them until now, when it was fucking too late.    

There; the mouth of a flight of stairs gaped at the end of the corridor, and he dashed for it. Scrambling down the spiral staircase, shoes thudding dully on the wooden planks, he reloaded his pistol; a dull silver Detonics .45 Maxi, dropping the empty magazine and slapping a new one into the bottom of the stock.

Staggering down to the ground floor, he saw the fluorescent green arrow pointing towards an emergency exit. Damn, he might still make it yet. Looking back behind him fearfully, he quickly started to stride towards the white double doors- when the faintest sound of cloth against cloth rasped by the stairwell.

          Gianti froze. Had the teleporter found him? Drops of cold moisture trickled down his brow, and his back was drenched in icy sweat. His whole body was bloating with dread as he turned, his gun quivering in front of him, and inched towards the small pool of darkness at the bottom of the stairs.

          gWhofs there?h he asked, his voice cracking. With a thump he kicked open the little wooden door-

-and instant later the fear on his piggish face broke open to malevolent glee. Hefd found his ticket to survival.

          It was at that exact moment that a cool, impassive voice whipped him from behind.

          gWhat the hell were you doing, eJack of Spadesf?h He spun, and saw –had he been there all along?- a tall, spidery figure leaning against the walls by the exit, his long arms crossed over his broad hard chest. Two black earrings on his left ear clinked together as he turned his head towards the quavering gangster. He wore a plain black suit and an almost absurdly large pair of black, reflective sunglasses that hid his eyes completely. Gianti opened his mouth to ask him who the hell he was, when a chillingly familiar voice slipped through the air into his ears from behind with nightmarish innocence.

          gSorry, Cas.h Gianti turned his head and widened his eyes like a cornered animal at the small, thin man who was somehow now standing lazily by the bottom of the stairs. gI donft know, I got a bit careless.h

          gInattentiveness during an operation can cost you your life and worse- the integrity of the mission, eJack of Spadesf.h It was impossible to tell how serious the man was, though his lips were still and impassive as ever.

          gW-wait, donft move! Both of you!h Gianti pulled up his prize against him; a young girl, dressed in an exquisite if a little simple black dress, and held the snout of his gun to her tumbling red curls. Her brown eyes were wide and fearful, and a terrified whimper escaped her lips as the gun grinded into her head. gI know how the Assassinfs Guild operates. Itfs strictly against regulations to kill unrelated civilians.h The safety on the weapon was off, the hammer cocked back. The gangsterfs pudgy ringed finger was already pulling the trigger back halfway. Twitching with desperation, he moved his eyes back and forth from the two hitmen.

gIfll shoot her, I swear I will. Now, both of you will let me out that door, and if you so much as wink Ifll blow her head off. Donft think I wonft. Now move the fuck out of the way!h

Caspiel seemed to not have heard him, nor did he make any movement to acknowledge the wide-eyed girl in Giantifs grasp.

gfJack of Spadesf, read the subject his rights,h he told Francis perfunctorily.

          gAh, right. Uh.. abiding by all regulation and protocol set forth by the Imperial Nelo Angeles Assassination Guild, we are herby proceeding with the contracted execution of Vassago Gianti, male. Said subject has the right to resist. Said subject has the right to a prayer and a documented record of his last words, as long as said subject will submit to his executioners in a peaceful, civilized manner. Said subjectfs family may claim full reparation and compensation for any civilian and material losses that they may sustain during execution of said subject. Signed and approved by the Royal Imperial Courts Guilds Office. In the name of the Emperor and Justice, who are one and the same.h

gClose your eyes,h Caspiel suddenly ordered, when Francis had finished reciting. His voice was utterly emotionless, as if he were only a distracted salesclerk giving a customer directions to the menfs room. The girl stared at him, uncomprehending. Giantifs eyes bulged.

gWhat the fucking hell? Are you goddamn deaf? Get the fuck out of my way!h he screamed, droplets of spittle flying from his lips. gIfll fucking shoot her, I fucking swear it!h

gClose your eyes,h Caspiel said, again.

gP-please,h the girl whispered, gdonft hurt me.h

gNo harm will come to you.h

Trembling, the girl squeezed her quivering eyelids tightly shut.


The last thing the frothing gangster saw was the sight of Caspiel slowly removing his sunglasses. Then a brilliant blue- an unnaturally vivid, infinitely deep azure that filled his whole world in a single flashing instant. His mind grew numb, his body throbbed, the wintry, cold cerulean light engulfed him like a massive sea. And finally; Nothingness.

Vassago Gianti slid down to the floor, dead. His eyes had been liquefied, gushing out of his sockets mixed with his blood and leaking brain matter. His skin was cracked and charred, sizzling with thin tendrils of white smoke. The pistol clattered harmlessly to the floor, and the girl fell limply beside to it.

Caspiel Caquix – codename gBasiliskh – calmly replaced his sunglasses and knelt beside the girl. She was unconscious, but breathing. Confirming that her health was not an immediate problem, he stood, calmly readjusted the knot of his tie on his throat, and threw a glance towards his partner, who caught it with a knowing smile.

gI suggest we extract immediately.h In the distance they could hear the urgent whine of sirens.

gWhatever you say, Cas.h Francis hopped over the dead body, and the two of them pushed open the double doors. The night was warm and pleasant as it billowed around them. They found themselves in the back alley of the mansion. A wide, empty road with mellow streetlights and a wickedly twisted barbed wire fence stretched before them for what seemed like infinity as it disappeared into the inky darkness.

gThe fSecretaryf will provide transporation.h Caspiel glanced at his watch. gShe should be here any moment now. Wefre a bit behind schedule.h

gYeah, yeah. Ifm sorry, alright?h Francis sighed.

gGo to hell, you motherfuckers!h A shrill voice stabbed their backs and grueled straight through the two assassinfs hearts like a blast from a gun. They spun around. The young girl, apparently having regained unconsciousness, was holding Vassagofs .45 Detonics Maxi with an unwavering hand, her finger on the trigger. Straight at them. Desperately, Francis closed his little fingers around Caspielfs wrist to teleport them to safety, but it was already too late–

An explosive gunshot rippled through the air, and the sickening smack of flesh metamorphosing into pulp immediately followed. The girlfs head snapped back, her face crumpling inwards by the force of the bullet. For a wild moment Francis thought that by some insane miracle the gun had backfired- until a cool, melodic womanfs voice pattered at their eardrums from behind.

gYou guys just had to let your guards down at the last minute.h The speaker was a slender, attractive woman, wearing a manfs raven colored three piece suit and gripping the giant stock of her smoking .50 AE Desert Eagle –also known as the gHand Cannonh-  in her tightly red gloved hands. She brushed a strand of her soft chestnut hair behind her gold-ringed ears, and upon her chest she had fastened a simple but striking pin, shaped in the form of a black raven. Half hidden over the rim of her oval sunglasses, her hazel eyes glittered and twinkled abloom.

gVanth!h Francis smiled and ran over to her, almost hugging her in childish delight as termination agent Vanth Lanael – codenamed gSecretaryh, smoothly holstered her massive handgun inside her jacket by her gracefully curved hips.

gI think some of fJack of Spadesf is rubbing onto me, eSecretaryf.h Caspiel grimanced, as if slightly disgruntled, and walked over to the girlfs body, still violently frothing blood all over the glassy linoleum floor. With a detached hand, he turned her mangled face over and exposed the nape of her neck. Her smooth, creamy white skin bore the black skull tattoo of the Gianti family. A grisly red rose sprouted from itfs left eye socket.

gShe was Vassagofs sister.h His voice was utterly emotionless as ever, but it had a strange, faraway ring to it.

gGet moving eBasiliskf. City Security should be arriving any time now.h Vanth was already heading towards her car, with Francis bounding happily behind her.

As he followed his colleagues to the sleek dark blue vehicle, now shivering to life with a complacent purr, Caspiel Caquix – codename gBasiliskh – turned his deadly blue eyes to the dreamy clouds of the summer night sky. The curved sliver of a moon loomed overhead, casting a silver glow, warm and gentle and caring. Like nothing else in the world.

          It was truly, a beautiful night.





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