Michael W. Jenkins Author Photo

Michael W. Jenkins is a student of the Word of God (II Timothy 2:15). His assignment is to educate, encourage, and empower the Believer. To educate: By enlightening and enriching the Believer in the Word of God with spiritual understanding so that he may apply the wisdom of God in his everyday life. To encourage: By exhorting and edifying the Believer, so that he may be equipped and perfected to do the work of the ministry in his everyday life. To empower: By empowering the Believer with knowledge from the Word of God, so that he can successfully obtain victory in his everyday life when encountering and engaging the enemy of our soul (satan). True Riches was birthed out of his personal relationship with the Lord in the early stages of his conformity to Jesus Christ. The poetry was his way of expressing his personal development and growth in the things of God and the ways of God: life's experiences discovered and unveiled through the inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit. Michael and his wife of thirty years, Bonita, have four children and two grandchildren and reside in Belleville, Illinois. Contact him at 1-618-239-6446.


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