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I just wanted to share some thoughts about my life. Like what my life is like.

I have pets, I'm in the 7th grade, and I like to play my PlayStation and N64. Would you like to see a picture I painted called Seaport? (133KB) I have also written some poetry which you might like.


My Petsti72dpi.gif (35431 bytes)

I have two cats named Gizmo and Widget and a parakeet named Geek.

Gizmo and Widget are both calico cats. Gizmo is lazy but can be energetic when she wants to. Widget is always going  everywhere and playing with feathers or with her sister. The two sisters can be friendly or fighting when you find them.

Geek is a parakeet. She has a new worry in her life now, Widget. Geek doesn't do much except start squawking when cars go by.

I also had a Dalmatian and cat that I still remember.

Ti (right) was a white cat with a blue and yellow eye. She always slept with me before she died of old age. She was a nice cat that slept alot.

Lucky is a Dalmatian. We like to play a lot. She died at around the same time Ti did. She was a good pet also.




I have a Gameboy, PlayStation, and N64. I like playing Final Fantasy Legend on my Gameboy. It is a great RPG game for people who are just starting out on the Gameboy. My favorite game for PlayStation is Tactics Ogre. People that want long and hard RPGs with multiple endings should consider this game. On N64 my favorite game is Super Smash Bros. If you liked Nintendo characters from any Nintendo system you should get this game.



Mr. Phillip Sand Hansel II   ©1999

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