The Official Quess Home Page

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Please note we do not own or claim to own any or all copyrights to Harry Potter and either, neither or also Lotr. All mentions of them are completely unofficial and Quad Chess has no connection with them, JK Rowling, JRRT or their films, etc. Apart from a passing interest in both books and charectors there of. Also the term Quess is held by another company, completely unrelated to us. Any likeness on this site to any person(s) past, present, future or fictional is purely co-incidental. "Quess" is an abreviation of Quad Chess. This website and it's owners thank you for your time and remind you that no money is being made through Harry Potter, Lotr or the name Quess. A fuller explanation is coming soon to our site of Copyrights and our relationship with other Companys. We apologise to any site from which we have removed pics, gifs and anything else that wasn't nailed down, But hey if you can't protect your stuff thats your problem. Anything on our site is free for the taking on other sites, If you want it then e-mail us and we'll be mildly annoying until you join our club.
Cheers "The Grand Master"

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