Mr Rat's Squaresoft Tribute page

Although it may seem almost nerdish to say this but there's nothing like a good RPG computer game and although I loved the 'Zelda' series, I'm afraid Nintendo aren't a patch on Square which gave us 'Final Fantasy' and 'Secret of Mana'. Here is a couple of their games I've played along with bits of information et al. You'll also find ROMS for certain games....Emulator

Final Fantasy IV(Snes)(1991)

Final Fantasy V(Snes/PSX)(1992)

Secret of Mana(Snes)(1993)


Final Fantasy VI(Snes/PSX)(1994)

Secret of Mana 2(Snes)(1995)

Final Fantasy VII(PSX/PC)(1997)

Final Fantasy VIII(PSX/PC)(1999)

Final Fantasy IX(PSX)(2000)

Final Fantasy X(PS2)(2001)

Finding ROMS (SNES in Particular)
First of all...good luck. Nintendo have really become a bunch of prats regarding older ROMS and shut down the sites like there'e no tomorrow. The best bet is to try to put up a request for a link on a message board asking where you can find a site for even a particular ROM. You may even get lucky and someone will mail it to you. I've had the best results from on their video game bulletin board despite it being a wrestling site. Alternatively if it hasn't been shut down you can tryWonderful Emulation

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