Story Characters ROM


The story begins in the year 1000 however due to the intervention of a time machine which was accidentally created by Lucca, this group ends up going back and forward through time. By doing this they soon discover that in the year 1999 an evil creature awakens and wrecks the world.


Crono is the main character/hero of the story (although it is possible depending on the way the game is played that Crono may die during the story). He ends up on leading an epic adventure to save the world from Lavos who is draining energy from the world

Turns out to be the runaway Princess Nadia of Guardia. She is sick of living in royalty and goes to the millenium fair to begin a normal life. Here she meets Crono & Lucca and joins the adventure.

The towns resident inventor and it's her teleport machine that first open the time rift. By doing this she accidentally sends Marla 400 years in the past thus starting the adventure

A Frog that is the royal bodyguard of the Queen in the year 1400. He was once known as a man named Glenn, but was transformed into a Frog by Magus. He vows to get his revenge on Magus, for the killing of his fellow Knight, Cyrus, and for turning him into a frog.

Codenamed Prometheus (serial number of R66-6) from the year 2300. He is activated by Lucca after many years of inactivity. After he is reactivated, he has severe memory bank damage, which causes a lot of his memory to be lost. In thanks for helping, and reactivating him, he joins Crono and the rest of the crew.

The headstrong cavewoman from prehistoric times whos tribesmen throw mad parties.

Orginally called Janus who was sent forward in time when he was a young boy. He starts of as an enemy to Crono's group but can end up joining them as a ppowerful ally.

The ultimate villain in Chronotrigger
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