Final Fantasy IV(Snes)(1991)
Story Characters ROM


Released in America as Final fantasy 2 for the Super Nintendo way back in 1991.

The king of Baron has ordered Cecil (captain of the 'Red Wings') to collect the 4 crystals of the world by any means necessary. Although he does this at first Cecil soon becomes disillusioned with his quest and questions the king which he is then dismissed for. He later discovers that the king is not fully in control of himself and is being manipulated by Golbez who plans to use the crystals of earth for his evil purposes.


The hero of the adventure dispite his unmacho name. Formerly the captain of the Red Wings which is a fleet of fighter airships

A dragoon night of the king of Baron. Like the king, Kain is very often throughout the game a victim of Golbez's mind control.

Cecil's other half. Uses 'white' magic and is a good healer in battle.

The second female character of the game. This one however uses black magic and is able to use call (summon) spells as seen in later FF games.

A sage who is after Golbez so he can avenge the death of his daughter. Can use both black and white magic but is crap in physical battles.

A bard who is the prince of Damcyan. Edward is a coward who had planned to marry Tellah's daughter, Anna, until Golbez killed her.

Cid is an engineering genius who works for the King of Baron. He designs the airships and modifies them for improvements.

A ninja who just so happens to be the prince of Elban. Edge is quite arrogant but decides to join your party later on.

The group of adventures find Yang in Mount Hobs fighting Mombomb. He joins the group to save his hometown, Fabul from a attack by the Red Wings.
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