======================================== Samsung Brand CI Model Loader version 1.01 ======================================== AMD flash memory found 1-00 2-00 ********************************************* STi5500 DVB Reference Firmware Version 4.1 Code Exe = 0x80000000 () ********************************************* Software compiled on Nov 16 2001 at 13:08:32 With DCU release ?.?.? (60000) ANSI C compiler Version 6.00.00 (18:36:14 Sep 24 1999) (W95/NT-PC) OS20 kernel 2.06.02 (1 Device_id = 2d4c9041 (STi5500-C) (STi5500 version E, F or G detected) [STI5500_VERSION_E fitted] --- General configuration --- Instruction cache Enabled [TESTTOOL_PRESENT fitted] [EVAL5500 fitted] [CODE_ON_SDRAM NOT fitted] --- DEVELOP driver configuration --- [UARTIO fitted] [UNHOSTED fitted] [STREPORT fitted] [B_ON_THE_FLY fitted] [ENABLE_AVSYNC fitted] [DONT_BLOW_UP_HALF_SIZE_PICTURES NOT fitted] [BUILT_FOR_16MBIT fitted] [DECODE_ELEMENTARY_STREAM NOT fitted] [SIF_UPSAMPLING_WORKAROUND NOT fitted] Initialising PLL for version C or D chips - Fvco=216MHz SDRAM interface has been correctly initialized on phase 0 i2c_init ok! iic_init ok! OnChip Size = 204 OnChip = 80000938 Flash init ..flash_init() PTI driver library v3.0 Link I/F cut 2.x initialised for DVB Setting up the link i/f interrupt Clock recovery/PWM init [PWM_REBASING FITTED] [PWM_CONTROL_LARGER_VALUE_FASTER_CLO [PWM_INITIAL_VALUE: 0x79] PCR init EEPROM: initializing... IRDSave_Init 1 ----------------------------------------------------- NVRAM_LOADER_PAR 84, 54 NVRAM_CONFIG_PAR 64, 40 NVRAM_SPARE_BLOCK_SIZE 14734, 398e ----------------------------------------------------- NVRAM_CONFIG_PAR You finished ir_init function without any problems Initialized FRONT & IR handler! front_ir_init() IRD Configuration Init MPEG SDRAM configuration : Video Bit Buffer : Size= 500 Kbytes From 0xc0000000 to 0xc007cfff Audio Bit Buffer : Size= 64 Kbytes From 0xc007d000 to 0xc008cfff OSD Buffer : Size= 268 Kbytes From 0xc008d000 to 0xc00cffff Frame Buffer A : Size= 608 Kbytes From 0xc00d0000 to 0xc0167fff Frame Buffer B : Size= 608 Kbytes From 0xc0168000 to 0xc01fffff First free address = 0xc0200000 Total SDRAM used = 2048 Kbytes SDRAM not used by MPEG = 0 Kbytes STi5500 Encoder configured in PAL BGDHI Mpeg audio/video synchro process started Mpeg live reset process started Setting up the mpeg video interrupt 5500 initialised to parse PES streams Setting up the mpeg audio interrupt mpeg_init() PIO exit Stand-by PIO TV standard mode PIO TV CVBS mode Set TV 4:3 Composite mode RF => PAL BG Local_buffer[0] is 8A Local_buffer[1] is 4C Local_buffer[2] is 25 Local_buffer[3] is F4 Global Front I2C Reset Tuner Init Start Lsi 64724 sync byte ok! LSI64724 init ok. tuner mbox created. tuner_init() LSI Tuner Process Created pol HOR Change TR 0 = 950000 [KHz] micro code download start... micro code download complete!! Enter Standby Status PIO go Stand-by PIO TV standard mode PIO TV CVBS mode TV standby pol VER lnb OFF Init flash home channel IRDSave_UpdateFLASH 4021950c 100 7fe51f14 IRDSave_UpdateFLASH 4021960c 270 7fe52014 Error-Main task- IRDCfg_SetCurChannel empty fav 0 Error-Main task- IRDCfg_SetCurChannel Invalid 0 1 1 IRDSave_Init 2 FLASH_SAT_PAR FLASH_CHINFO_PAR FLASH_FAV_PAR 713 audiopes.c> Initialising AUDIO PES Manager ... 823 audiopes.c> AUDIO PES Manager is created successfuly ... AudioPesManagerInit() gprim_init() Background PAT process... BGPAT FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times background_pat_init() Background CAT process... BGCAT FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times background_cat_init() Background PMT process... BGPMT FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times background_pmt_init() STEP1. CI_DATA: B7 STEP2. CI_DATA: A7 STEP3. CI_DATA: A7 ci_start() Teletext driver library v1.0 - Version of Nov 16 2001 at 13:09:27 TELETEXT 1 FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times TELETEXT 2 FOUND SUITABLE BUFF Creating 'Teletext VBI task' (priority=8) The 'teletext_data_transfer' task is running Creating 'Teletext STB Page Filter' task (priority=8) The 'ttx_stb_page_filter' task is running Creating 'Teletext Handler' task (priority=8) 'teletext_handler' task is running IRDSave_Init 3 NVRAM_LOADER_PAR FLASH_TIMER_PAR FLASH_ADDTR_PAR Extr start TDT... DVB EIT structure size 572 max event is 2748 Extr start EIT... Extr start EIT process... TASK_init() usif process created successfully usif_init() My_ch_change process: Started OSD: Flag EITUpdateSetInput Key1 : 3 66 key pressed TDT FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times received EIT PID = 12 : 12 : 401c5db4 No errors during initialisation EIT FOUND SUITABLE BUFFER, tried 1 times