knif any you know of me is anything, know this.. i dont wish bad things for others for whatever theyve done. if i ever said something like that, im sorry i appalogize. what more can i do

so im fat and ugly, when you grow up with no one what else is there do to besides potato chips and tv? come on let me know im waiting..

when your work in 10 degree weather with -5 degree wind chills blowing 10 miles an hour with wind gusts up to 40 mp.... overalls help to keep warm. but dont cut it all the way. fat is the only real insulation, so i got comfortable with who i was and what i looked like, is that wrong no, but should i change just because of what others think? should you change yourself for others, to make them happy, alter your life or lifestyle? hell no right?

  now that youre starting to understand some of what i feel and  deal with, do you still want to persist on trying to bring me down? yea? lol go ahead, like i said i dont care.

take a moment and think

take another one

and another

wow welcome to my world, its fun  here isnt it? staying wrapped in your thoughts and feeligns at every single aspect of every moment about everything that goes on with you and immediately around you
are you ready for that.... trying to understand what some ones experiencing is the most difficult thing yuo can do constantly..... especially when thats the only way you know how to think and feel.

aww you no likey? me sowwy . me bad bad bad person... smack me punch me kick me spit on me piss on me make my life worse , come on, give it to me give it to me give it to me noooooooooooow baaabaAy

8o] i want to run away i got to get away from everything is the only way for me to not fall into the normal pattern of living that is me.... ok i guess id have to go live on some desert island 50 miles west  or east or anything known to humanity, that will solve all of my and your problems, just buy me a little isly or help me find one and ill pull either a joe vs the volcano or cast away, depending on fate come on fate, dont fail me now
i mean look at all that youve done for me,,,, 8oD im so happy with myself because of everything thats happened to me.,.,., i love my scared up ugly pugy body, wait a sec maybe ill go work out and get my body into shape.... why to attract some one thats attracted to my body... whatever hell no i dont want no woman that wants me for my apperance...... wow well.... looks like im snubbing off the average woman.... awww im sorry what about all the times ya snubed me off b/c i didnt talk my way into your heart like that playa did ,,,oh ohyea whatever happened there. still with him? lol o whats that you got pregnant and he left, awww im sorry.... well it seems like casual sex isnt that great.,.,.,.,

ok i think i covered that subject, hopefully you were able to understand, i know i went everywhere from everything and spoke of a million tdifferant opics and some how intertwond them all together...weird huh
funny. but thats meeverything has an equal and opposite reation to everything else, well sometimes i happen to notice them all and try to understand them,

but i guess life isnt meant to be understood, but dang if i dont do a decent jobn of understanding things,
ok einstien, ready for the next challenge? "a daaaaaaaa  sure"

[[[takes deep breath]]

i would first like to say this. do any of you remember my disclaimer. or that i ever had one and warned you about it..... i said things are going to happen, and youre going to feel certain ways, and im sorry for whats going to happen, i have no control over how i go through situations and deal with everything, sorry i wasnt peachy keen happy o dappy joyfully full of life and glee at ever moment..... aww whats that? you dont like me anymore. oh wh0a you mean u actually didnt hate me , hmm some thing must have went wrong for you not to hate me, b/c everybody else has a grudge against life and me, its all my fault, i did i made whatever it was that was bad happen to you,  does that help you to place a blame on whatever it is thats wrong, if it helps you, i will be that stepping stone, if it helps you, kill me ,will you feel better... i hope yuo do.....

off the wall subject just popped into my head, but thats me, maybe some one is hacking me right now, who knows, i mean i could know if i i no, ill tell ya what i do care about.... oh wait thats  right, you dont care about me, yuo hate me

if hacking my computer and lol doing what you do, makes you feel that much  more of a man or woman, go right ahead, but be nice,, id like to let you hack me again so u can feel better again.... ok understand?

does everybody know what time it is?"??????? its howdy tabzy time its howdy tabzy time, well sorry im just trying to keep myself enterntained but i like the fact that you think its funny that i did somethin, at least it was a possitive thought and emotion  i envoked, n not negative......

ok what if i said, i only want people to be happy,  is that wrong...... yes? why, why should it be wrong to want good for others..... huh whats that. im dumb.... well if you wanna think that, go ahead. love ya, byebye now
[[thinkin i hope that persons ok]]

sometimes all i can do is laugh at myself for the simple common mistakes i make in life,,, huh why am i laughing? oh sorry should i be pissed and upset and mentally diturbed... eh yea? well if yu think that then its going to happen to you eventually 8oD ding ding ding ding

ill say la la la i dont mean to laugh at every single thing i find amusing, but if by chance one person somewhere found it funny to, my mission was completed.... i objected my goal for the momentf, ok
new moment, well, im just waiting,,,,,lalalala whats that? all of this seems fimaliar to your behaviour we seem before, oh dang, sorry , i guess that means its me whoop goofy giddy goofball trying to have a good life
im sorryf, u want me to stop? o u wish i would? hows it feel to wish. now hold that thought and dont let go , ever, thats how i feel towards bad situations or something wrong some oneis dealing with...

wh0a comming to the end of this page, didnt know i typed that much, does it matter, should it?
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