Code Page 1252 characters and substitutions

"So who is the real Mr. Tines? The monster who'd smash a world, or the nice guy I'm hearing now?"
-- The Blabber, Vernor Vinge.

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This page doesn't display non-Windows platforms, and will not display completely on N4.x — this is the point of the page, as the first block characters aren't portable, despite what people might think.

Characters and codepoints
Characters as cp1252 values Unicode code-points (decimal) Characters escaped by codepoint
8364 129 8218 402 ƒ
8222 8230 8224 8225
710 8240 352 8249 ˆ Š
338 141 381 143 Œ Ž
144 8216 8217 8220
8221 8226 8211 8212
732 8482 353 8250 ˜ š
339 157 382 376 œ ž Ÿ

Characters appearing as a in the first block correspond to no printing character, even in cp1252, the usual Windows character to machine representation mapping. Character values in the block run 128–131 (0x80 to 0x83) in the top row, 132–135 (0x84 to 0x88) in the next, down to 156–159 (0x9C to 0x9F) in the last row.

If you want a printing character glyph from the first block in the upper left then you shouldn't use the character directly from a Windows machine, nor use an &#<decimal>; or &#x<hex>; with a value from 0x80 to 0x9f (128 to 159), but one of the named escapes shown below.

N.B. If you are targetting PocketIE, you need to use the Unicode codepoint number (decimal or hex); if you are also targetting your content at Netscape 4.0, use the decimal for these characters — so for a bullet, use &#8226; rather than &#bull; , even though it makes the code less legible.

Characters and named escape sequences
Characters escaped by name Named escape sequence
ƒ &euro; &sbquo; &fnof;
&bdquo; &hellip; &dagger; &Dagger;
ˆ Š &circ; &permil; &Scaron; &lsaquo;
Œ Ž &OElig; &#x017d;
&lsquo; &rsquo; &ldquo;
&rdquo; &bull; &ndash; &mdash;
˜ š &tilde; &trade; &scaron; &rsaquo;
œ ž Ÿ &oelig; &#x017e; &Yuml;

This page attempts to give some idea of where to use &ndash; and &mdash; — there are other useful characters to know to improve your typography, if you don't need to support NN4:–

You should continue to use ‘-’ (Unicode hyphen-minus) rather than the Unicode for hyphen, &#8208; (‐) or for minus, &#8722; (−) as they aren't well supported even in modern browsers. Also even when they work, as in Firefox, for my chosen fonts, the hyphen has too much space at either side to really be a proper ligature, and − (minus) is too big for my comfort, being larger than a – (ndash). Similarly ' is Unicode apostrophe and should be used as such rather than either ‘ or ′.

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This document maintained by domain webmaster - tines at ravna and tines dot com.

Material Copyright 2000–2004 Mr. Tines

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