Pokemon Snap
Last Updated On:
April 6, 2002

Legendary Birds

Articuno - The Poke Flute will come in handy here. Play it when you see a Jynx standing near an egg at the end of the Cave stage.

Zapdos - Lure the Pikachu in the Tunnel stage over to Zapdos' egg, and play the Poke Flute. Now the Pikachu should hit the egg, making Zapdos appear.

Moltres - When your vehicle stops for the egg, hit it with food and Pester Balls. When you do, a Moltres will fly out of the lava.

Haunter Pictures
In the Tunnel stage, take some pictures of the purple orbs. When the pictures finally develop, you will have a Haunter.

Photograph Muk
During your ride through the cave, you should see two Grimer. Take some pictures of them. Continue through the cave until you see a third Grimer standing by some Bulbasaur, take some more pictures. Finally, throw Pester Balls at the Grimer and it will evolve into Muk.

Photograph Charizard
To get Charizard at the end of the Volcano stage, simply knock the Charmeleon into the lava pool. It will evolve into Charizard.

Access The Rainbow Cloud Stage
To access the secret Rainbow Cloud Stage, you must photograph the six special landmarks. There is one landmark in each stage. Once you have photographed all the landmarks, the seventh and final stage will be opened for you to play. Here's how to do it:

Beach stage - After you pass a small surfboard, a Kingler rock sculpture is on your left.

Tunnel stage - After you pass the second Electabuzz, the Pinsir shadow is on your right.

Volcano stage - On your left at the beginning of the stage, you'll find a Koffing cloud. To get the cloud, throw some Pester Balls into the small craters and a Koffing cloud will come out of the big crater.

Jungle stage - All you'll see is a Vileplume's petals, but it's enough. Directly above the Vileplume is a Cubone rock sculpture. Play your Poke Flute to make the Vileplume appear and stop the smoke from coming out.

Cave stage - Look on the left side of the cavern after you see a Weepinbell. You'll see some stars. Take pictures of the biggest one and you'll have a Mewtwo.

Rapids stage - You'll see a rock sculpture of Dugtrio when you begin the level. Photograph the center one for the shot to count.

Magmar vs. Magmar
At the end of the Volcano stage, you'll see two Magmar. If you throw some Pokemon food in between the two Magmar, they will begin to fight with each other.

Charmander Evolves
To get Charmander to evolve into Charmeleon in the Volcano stage, throw a piece of Pokemon food in between the Magmar and the Charmander on the left side of the stage, near where the two Vulpix are playing. The Magmar will spit fire at Charmander, and the Charmander will evolve.

Six Charmanders
At the end of the Volcano stage, you will see two Charmander playing. Throw a piece of food at each one and they'll call two of their friends. Lure all six Charmander together and play your Poke Flute. All six Charmander will look at you.

Dancing Vileplume
To get the Vileplume in the River stage to come out, play your Poke Flute. It will begin to dance around.

Get Starmie and Dragonite
To get Starmie and Dragonite in the Valley stage, there are a few things you must do. First, when the Staryu appears, photograph it. It will begin to circle you. However, you must get it in the center of the picture. It will circle you all the way down to the whirlpool. When Staryu goes into the whirlpool, it will evolve into Starmie. To get Dragonite, throw five Pester Balls into the whirlpool. A Dragonite will fly out when you do.

Photograph Graveler
To get Graveler in the Valley stage, play your Poke Flute when you see three of them hanging on the wall. They will fall down and begin to dance.

Get Gyarados
To take a picture of Gyarados in the Valley stage, you must knock the Magikarp at the beginning of the stage out of the water. You will knock the Magikarp towards the Mankey, who punches it way over the mountain. Continue through the level until you see the three Graveler hanging on the wall. The Magikarp should be there, flopping around on the land. Hit the Magikarp with a Pester Ball and it will splash into the waterfall. After a few seconds a Gyarados will pop out of the waterfall.

Get Porygon
Porygon hides in the hills at the end of the River. Throw a Pester Ball at a hill if you see something moving inside it.

Get Victreebel
Victreebel is in the Cave. You need to make the Weepinbell evolve, though. Weepinbell is by a pool near the Mewtwo sign. Knock it in with a Pester Ball.

Get Ditto
At the beginning of the level, throw a Pester Ball at any of the three Bulbasaur. They will transform into a Ditto.

Where Are All The Good Pictures Of Pikachu?
Sent In By: PiLiPiNopRiDe19

Surfing Pikachu
At the BEACH level you will see a Pikachu. Lure him to the surfboard with apples. Turn around and you will see the Pikachu standing on the surfboard. Snap a picture of him.

Balloon Pikachu
In the CAVE level near the end you will see a Zubat holding a Pikachu. Hit Pikachu or Zubat with a pester ball and Pikachu will fall. After a few seconds you will see him floating in the air with balloons attached to him.

Pikachu on a Stump
In the BEACH level you will find a big field of flowers and plants. Throw a lot of pester balls in it until you see a Scyther fly out. Keep on riding and you will see two Pikachus running between two fallen down trees. They will go on the two stumps. Take a picture of them and you will get a lot of points.

Pikachu on a Ball
At the start of the TUNNEL level you will see a Pikachu. Take a picture of him and he will move. Take another picture of him and he will move once again. There will be an Electrode rolling by. Pikachu will jump on the Electrode.

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