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MrG's Winamp skin:  PrecisionAmp
(Version 1.01 for desk/laptop, with a version for pocket/palm )
MrG's Skin - A quick glance shows accurate volume, play position, ...
   MrG started with Pragmamp (huge thanks to GoldenSpider for creating a practical skin), added elements from some other skins, and doctored it all up to be even more practical, useful, quick, easy, and...   precise!

Download:  <>

After quick download, extract & double click on ...desk.wsz, this brings up your WinAmp wearing my skin.  (A copy will automatically go into your skin folder, so you can dump excess files.)  To change back, or use some other skin, just click the upper left triangle. "Skins" is the 2nd to last menu item.

  Actually, the real reason for PrecisionAmp in the first place was to have a useful skin for MrG's PDA-phone!  The above is just a spin-off, tweaked for PC.  If you'd like to try this skin for your Pocket PC, Palm Treo (w/wx), or other Windows Mobile device, use above D/L, both versions are in that ZIP file.  Works beautifully with the free PocketMusic player by PocketMind.  Allows for coordinated PC and portable player look and functionality, giving you the same player at your desk as in your car, walking the dog, in your living room, or at a friend's home (by plugging an FM transmitter into the earphones jack).

Check out MrG's latest skins, here.
Cell: Great MP3 portable!

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