About Me... Visitors often comment that my webpage says nothing about me... so, here goes: Kramer Chapel at Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne
I am 25 years old and live in beautiful Fort Wayne, Indiana.  I am a member of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.  Founded in 1837, St. Paul's is a charter congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  St. Paul's school, recently renovated, is the oldest continually operating school in Indiana.  Sunday worship is at 8:30 and 11.

  I have a 18-year-old brother and a 16-year-old sister.

I am a student at
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne
Downtown Fort Wayne
I was baptized into Christ on July 13, 1981 at Messiah Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.  (Now there's a Walgreens there.  Estimations place the baptismal font in the current parking lot.)
I was an avid collector of LEGOs in my youth. I attended grade school at Concordia Lutheran School in Fort Wayne.  It was founded in 1899.
I was confirmed at Concordia Lutheran Church on May 5, 1996.
I graduated from Concordia Lutheran High School in Fort Wayne on June 6, 2000.  CLHS is the largest high school in the Missouri Synod.
Concordia Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne
In high school, I served as organist at Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.  It's sanctuary, constructed in 1904, holds 1100 people, and was the home of Concordia Lutheran Church until 1970, when Concordia abandoned the city and Shepherd of the City was formed.
Concordia Lutheran High School,
Fort Wayne
I graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin in Mequon on May 15, 2004, with a dual major in Pastoral Ministry and Parish Music, and a minor in theological languages.  Our graduation speaker was George W. Bush, the forty-third president of the United States. Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne
St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
The 1989 Steiner-Reck organ at CUW
For three years, I served as organist at St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 
St. Stephen celebrated it's 150th Anniversary in 2004.
St. Stephen is unique in that it is a bilingual Spanish-English congregation of the LCMS. 
While there, some of my dedicated musical friends and I formed a choir.
The Chapel of Christ Triumphant at Concordia University Wisconsin
St. Stephen's 1941 Wangerin Organ was recently renovated and received a new console in January, 2004!
When I'm not studying Greek or Hebrew, I enjoy playing the organ, listening to sacred music, hanging out with friends, and fine cafeteria dining.  In the summer, I enjoy building sandcastles, swimming, and waterskiing.
I am a second year seminarian at Concordia Theological Seminary.

I am currently an organist at Ascension Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.  Founded in 1977, Ascension is one of Fort Wayne's youngest congregations and worships with
The Lutheran Hymnal.  Sunday worship is at 8 and 10:30.
My dog, "Bones," is quiet, obedient, and doesn't shed.
St. Stephen Choir
So, that's pretty much it about me...
My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being. (Psalm 108:1 ESV)
My family - Christmas 2004
My family's dog, "Duke"
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