I do not hold any limitations in terms of work. Prefer ergonomic environments, however.


Am able to sign any statutory declaration stating so, upon request.


Will gladly take part in any book, work, paper, against Rio de Janeiro and `cariocas' in general: they victimize me since I was 5 years old (when I was five I suffered my first crime in the World: someone who was 13 years older than me - a woman from Rio de Janeiro - stole my Chocolate Easter Egg, purchased with so much love for me by my beloved mum. To prove how they are in terms of moral, principles, character, this woman then turns to me and states blatantly that she was better than me finding my own Easter Eggs, so that she was entitled to have it!...competing with a child, stealing groceries from a child, who has nothing in common with her life and time and still finds all that reasonable and logical for an adult to do with a little child…that is the dominating reasoning in Rio de Janeiro: the more defenseless the victim of their crimes is, the more they enjoy it. Because they have victimized me and my beloved ones with so much cruelty for so long, I offer my help with pleasure to those willing to depreciate their culture and affairs in public: if I charge for doing so, it is going to be expenses only.



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