Fairmont 7th/8th Grade English

Mrs. Campos ~ Room 13



August 2008


Dear Parent/Guardian,


Welcome!  Your child is enrolled in my English class at Fairmont Elementary School. I look forward to providing a positive learning experience in the year to come; and to ensure this, I would like to acquaint you with the course objectives, content, requirements, and classroom standards. Please review this letter with your child.

English is a California state standards-based course that explores the study of English Language Arts—focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This course will expose students to various components of literature, including (but not limited to) short stories, plays, essays, poetry, memoirs, novels, and informational texts. Students will develop research skills, grammar skills, vocabulary skills, critical thinking skills, and fundamental writing skills.

To achieve our academic goals, class instruction will include a variety of methods that will actively involve the students. Some of these methods include: teacher directed lessons, guided practice in class, audio-visual materials, formal and informal writing, small group work, extension activities, class discussion, speeches, reinforcement homework, quizzes, and tests.

Students are required to write their class assignments and homework on their weekly calendars. Homework will be assigned based on the needs of the students in meeting the course objectives; this may include assignments during the week and on the weekends. In the case of a longer assignment, such as an essay or a research report, students will be given a timeline of when each component of the assignment is due and when the final product is to be completed. Students must budget their time to meet the timeline requirements.

Each assignment is worth a certain number of points; the progress report grades and the final grade will be determined using a standard percentage scale. Students are strongly urged to complete all assignments and to put forth their best effort at all times as extra credit will not be offered.

Regular attendance, class promptness, and completion of assignments are essential for having a successful year. In an effort to promote responsibility, I WILL NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK unless the student has an excused absence. In the case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact me regarding any missing exams and assignments upon immediate return to class.  

Information will be posted on my website: www.geocities.com/Mrs.Campos13

I cannot always immediately know when a student is having academic difficulty or confusion unless he/she tells me. Therefore, students are encouraged to seek help when they need it!  I am available to the students for extra help during lunch and after school by arrangement.

Progress reports/report cards will be sent home approximately every six weeks. If there are any questions regarding the course and/or your child’s progress, please feel free to call the school or email me at [email protected].




The following materials must be brought to class daily:

·              A three ring loose-leaf binder (either for this class specifically, or have a LARGE section                          devoted to this class).

·              A sufficient amount of lined paper (without rough, torn edges)

·              A sufficient amount of blue or black ink pens

·              At least two sharpened pencils

·              At least one highlighter in each of the following colors:

P         yellow

P         green

P         pink

P         blue

·              At least two black low-odor dry erase markers (medium/fine point)

·              At least one outside reading book at all times within the assigned AR level

·              A personal pencil sharpener (recommended)



Following Directions, Standards, and Procedures:

There are two basic rules in effect at all times:   

·              Follow directions.

·              Follow them now.

In addition to following the Spartan Code, students must:

Avoid distracting behavior.

Take responsibility for creating a positive classroom environment.

Listen attentively to instruction.

Spartan CodeListen openly to one another in class or group discussion.         

Respond to others in a nonjudgmental way.

Be positive in tone, speech, and body language.

Be dismissed by the teacher rather than the bell.

Obtain a pass and permission from the teacher before leaving the class.

Turn cell phones off during class. If a phone makes any sound or vibrates during class, I will confiscate it.  A parent/guardian will need to retrieve it.

Not bring electronic devices (iPods, PSPs, etc.) to school—they are subject to confiscation.

Not bring gum to school.

Take care of personal business before or after class.


As per the honor code, plagiarism or cheating on an exam, essay, or any class/homework is unacceptable, intolerable, and unethical. If a student is caught cheating, an automatic fail will be given for that assignment and an automatic “U” in work habits will be given on the following progress.




I have read and understand the course requirements and expectations for English. I agree to follow these requirements, and I understand that not following them may reflect as a “U” in work habits on progress reports/report cards and may also affect the academic grade.



Parent/Guardian name printed                                Parent/Guardian signature                                                                       Date


Student’s name printed                                           Student’s signature                                                                                                 Date

A copy of this letter is available on the class website

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