About me

I signed up on 04/27/99 17:55:14.
Hey Web Junkies!
I am known as acoustic_storm and Indigoblue03!
OOPS! Theres one more...TabooHippieGurl
Hope you enjoy the hell outa my website! :)~.
I hope you will bookmark my site as I add and or change things at a moments notice.

A few things about me.
I live in Missouri.
I have GREEN eyes, I am 5'4", I weigh about 126.
I have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world!
I know that everyone says that BUT I really have him!!!!
His name is Jimmy.
My interests are html of course, animals, music and dance, my work (actually it is the TORTURING of my fellow employees that I LOVE SOOOOOO much hahaha), people (especially my friends and loved ones), and I love to shop!
I have a big heart and I am a Gemini.
Yes, I am also a BRAT!

Some things that BUG me
1- Mall Walkers
2- Shitty parking
3- A bad hair day
4- Too much talk radio stations
5- Running out of cigs
6- Less than open-minded people!!!
7- Wasted talent

Some things that FASCINATE me
1- Frogs
2- Many different kinds of bugs (including spiders)
3- Things having a funny way of working out
4- Spring
5- All music
6- Commercials (especially during the Super Bowl)
7- Intelligent children
8- Julia Roberts, Madonna, Ashley Judd, Alanis, and DIDO!
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