My Cronies!

BRYAN & Eric S....DEFINATELY my favorites by a long shot. Probably two of my Best Friends. The off the wall sarcastic remarks directed towards the total idiots that we all work with, the intelligence levels that you both have (we KNOW how rare that is amongst our fellow employees), the knack for disco dancing to old Kiss songs, and the expressions that you two get sometimes make it just almost worth going to work everyday. There have been times when I thought I might never laugh again at that place and then I look up and one or both of you is either doing or saying something stupid. 9 out of 10 times, I end up laughing my ass off. Anyway, you guys are the best and I just wanted to say Thanks a whole shit load.

Charlie....Thank You soooo much for acknowledging my work. It has taken me over a year to receive the kind of compliments that you have given to me and I have worked the same way the entire time. I am not being paid what I'm worth now and I probably never will be however, people like you make it worth it. It is really wonderful to know that my work DOES make a difference in a home that a family is going to spend alot of years living in. I know you will most likely never read any of this BUT with the impression that you have made on me and lots of others as well, I just HAD to tell you Thank You anyway!

Mike W....What a natural cutie!!! Really all I can say about you is that maybe one of these days you will learn NOT to ask me if ya don't wanna know. The look of pure SHOCK that comes over that face of yours is the ultimate! There have been a couple of times that I wasn't too sure if the red would ever fade. You might be a shit disturber BUT I manage to get you back in the long run. Thanks for the laughs and try really hard not to play with electricity too much. I know that getting zapped is a thrill for you babe, but you gotta stop because you are frying too many brain cells.

My MUCH missed foremen.....Dobbie H. & Don V....I miss you both being my foremen soooooo bad. The people in drywall never realized how lucky they were. I DID AND STILL DO!!! Working for you both was being at the top. That is for sure! In fact, even though my foreman has changed, I still look for Don anyway. I trust the two of you and that says it all right there. I have been burnt too many times to count in the past 15 months and with the two of you, when I want to know something, all I have to do is ask. There are NO mind games involved. I have worked for too many foremen to count in that plant and I'd have loved it if I never had to work for another single one. Dobbie, even more though, I miss our daily visits. We are lucky to get a couple of visits a week now but hey, that's better than no visits. I have never had a boss like either of you in my life and I wish that all bosses were more like you two. Keep Smiling and of course, Dobbie, keep the rhythm babe! Here's to ya both!!!!!P.S. Thanks for putting up with my bitching and just one more thing..... Had I known that this was going to take place, I'd definately have already left for St. Louis. That plant owes you both as well as Bryan & Eric S. & Mike W. You guys are the ones that have kept me there this long. Charlie hasn't been there for all that long but he has been great also. Thanks for telling me what Charlie said about my work Don. I appreciate that more than you will ever know.

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