About us!
We are Darlene and Silvia!

We live in British Columbia, Canada. Thank you for visiting our web site. This is the first of many great things to come.

How it all began:
It started off as a fun hobby, two friends, and family members and friends anxiously awaiting the next occassion to see what great creations we would come up with. We decided to make our stuff available to everyone and try to support our hobby in the meantime! 

Our plans include offering truly original products that are "different". By different we mean stuff you can't just buy in a store.  We love our stuff so much that we know once it gets around, we will have products selling like hot cakes!

We offer excellent quality merchandise at comparable prices! We have everything from
"clip-a-doodles" to magnets, greeting cards, wine glasses...an so much more. We also take great pride in packaging our products to perfection.

"Clip-a-doodles" is our own brand of amazing paper clips.  Totally functional, these paper clips add a special touch to everything it is attached to.

Do you have a 
wedding coming up? We have some great ideas for your wedding favors, table decorations, invitations, and thank you notes.  Anything to help make your wedding special. We also have plenty of items for baby and wedding shower invitations or announcements. 

Thanks again for visiting our site! Please come back soon and mark us in your favorities as we will be updating the website often. We will do our best to keep up with the seasons, and keep up with the demand.

Thank you .
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