Your child will learn about being safe, responsible, & professional while babysitting. Basic care, feeding, & diapering of young children. Becoming a good role model, safety frist aid, basic first aid, and much more is presented to the class in this 7 hour course. Upon completion of the class your child will receive a "Course Completion Identification Card"  from the American Red Cross & A Babysitter's Training handbook to keep.   

Hello, I am
so glad you stopped by. I am currently taking questions, and signing up for new baybsitting classes coming up.

Look thru
this page
then send
me an email

Thanks for

Mrs. G
If  your child is between the ages of 11 & 15 and likes kids, maybe babysitting wou.d be their thing !  I am a licensed American Red Cross Instructor for the Babysitter"s Training Class for youth in Wisconsin.  If  your child is already interested in babysitting, but you would feel more comfortable if they had knowledge, this would be the class for them. 

  I am currently taking sign ups for classes in December 2005.
If you are interested please send me an email .
Why take
Babysitter's Training ? 
Families with young children are more likely to hire a babysitter who has completed this course. Knowing the course goes over all the basic information for emergencies, first aid, safe fun & most importantly shows the parents that the new babysitter is a responsible youth who has been educated.  There is not many instructors in the area for this course. I hold at least 2 classes a month, In diffrent locations. The maximum in my class is 10 so the classes fill up quickly. Email me for more information.   
Description of the
Babysitter's Training Class :
[email protected]
You are visitor
*********** Saturday 12-3 11am-6pm
Fox Run Lanes -Meeting Room.
Bring Bag lunch, Water bottles & Snacks with you. Pizza Dinner provided with drink. Class fee $65.00
*********** Saturday 12-10 11am-6pm
Fox Run Lanes -Meeting Room.
Bring Bag lunch, Water bottles & Snacks with you. Pizza Dinner provided with drink. Class fee $65.00

You can email me for more information . I then send you the forms to sign and send back to me with your payment for the class. Class cost varies upon location in which the class is held & cost of lunch or snacks if provided.  If you are enrolled into a class in which lunch, snacks, or drinks  are not provided ; YOUR CHILD CAN BRING ALONG A BAG LUNCH, SNACK ITEMS OF THEIR CHOICE, & DRINKS OR A WATER BOTTLE. .
Mrs G currently is in the Greater Milwaukee Chapter. She is able to travel outside the Greater Milwaukee Chapter area to teach this couse to a group of 10 students. Also Mrs. G is available to teach to church groups & girl scout troops. Please email [email protected] for any questions or comments.
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