Christmas Party:
December 20, 2007

We will be filling stockings for a gift exchange this year.  Every student is to make a "stocking" using a paper grocery bag.  (It must be paper in so that it can stand up on it's own.)  Decorate your stocking and make sure your name is written clearly on it. The last week of school before Christmas break each person will be assigned a day to play "elf" and put a little surprise in each person's stocking. These surprises are meant to be inexpensive (erasers, pencils, stickers, candy, etc... If you are crafty, you could make something).  I found that the dollar store and
Oriental Trading Company catalog are great places to find these "surprises".  We will open our stockings at our Christmas party.  It's a blast!

Please bring 24 "surprises".  We have 24 students in our class.  Please be sure that the "surprises" are the same for everyone (or 11 "boy" things and 13 "girl" things).
You do
not need to wrap them.

Please bring your "stockings" to school by
Wednesday Dec. 14th!
Click on the elf schedule to see
which day you will be filling stockings!

Elf Schedule
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