Read the descriptions below of each link, and click on the colored links to go to the site of your choice.  To come back to this page, click on the back button. To go back to the Inedx page, click on the word Links above. To go to the homework help page, click on the word Homework below.
Houghton Mifflin
Education Place
- Explore the Math Center. This site is found in the math book as part of our curriculum.
King's Math Activities
- This site contains many games and fun pages to help in specific areas of math.
-This site contains some fun games to help sharpen your skills in all areas.
Cool Math
- This site has many different games that will help enhance your math skills.
- has many fun games that will help you sharpen your math skills.
Create a Graph
- Fill in the information and let this site create a graph for you.
-This site is found in the Science book as part of our curriculum. Explore the different areas addressed in the science book.
Wave Simulator
- Make waves by clicking on this link.
-Have fun by disecting online.
- This takes you to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources site.
Social Studies
Colonial Williamsburg
- This is a fun site for students to learn about Colonial times.
Libertys Kids
-Click here for an interactive site with Social Studies activities.
African-American history timeline
- A timeline of black history from early slavery to the present.
Scholastic Black History in America
- Learn more about African American history through biographies, timelines, and much more.
Language Arts
- Click here to go to the Book Adventure web site.Take the reading quiz.
- Click here to take quizes or work on activities assigned by Mrs. Reynolds.
Milton Post Office
- Click here to access the Milton Post Office article.
Influential African Americans
Hosted by