Please kindly disregard the annoying thing that just popped up in the corner begging you to buy something. Just push it down to the bottom and forget it ever happened. Whatever you do don't close it, because that's what it wants you to do. It will just come crawling back when you click on a new page.
Don't play its game! Play your game!

The chances of Phil Collins being mentioned on this site, other than this mentioning of Phil Collins, are slim to none.

OK, now on with the coolness. I wish I knew what coolness was. I really do.

Updates: 3 August 2001: Added two recent shows (Radiohead and Tom Petty) to my concertography. 13 June 2001: Mogwai: round two added to concertography. 14 May 2001: 4 remaining Sigur Ros photos posted.

Lord God, Andrew WK is so good.

5.8.01 Sigur Ros captured live at the Park West in Chicago, 5/6/01, Plus photos of Mogwai performing at the Metro, Chicago 3/24/01. As well as some photos of Europe from Summer 2000.
8.1.01 Here's the gigs I've seen and the stuff I wrote about them afterwards. For my memory file, and your possible enjoyment. Who knows nowadays.
Tape trading
12.13.00 I've got so many new shows that I haven't added. Hopefully I'll get to them during Christmas break. They include Pete Townshend's Lifehouse performance in London, Godspeed's ATP show, and many more. 7.20.00 Here we are, a new show. Just got Tool's Oct. 1999 performance at the Coachella festival, and it's awesome.
Review of Magnolia
One of the best films I've ever seen. Read my take on it. What happened to me is beyond my comprehension
Records I like
Haven't added any for a while, mainly because it takes too long to make the pages how I've been making them. I still like music, I do! For example, at the present time, I can't stop listening to Mwng by Super Furry Animals . Diolch!
1.18.00 A new two part series was added, fascinating in its moral denotations.
A Little something my friends and me made up while we were extremely bored. Here's a few ALL NEW cartoons by me, taken to new online heights!

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