Accelerated Reader

We are very fortunate to have an extensive Accelerated Reader library for our school.
This library is conveniently housed at the city public library.

At the beginning of the school year students will be assessed via STAR
(a short comprehensive reading test).  The results of the STAR test will allow students
to choose an appropriate reading book from our A.R. library                                        .

Students are expected to read at least 4 Accelerated Reader books per semester. He/She will
then take a computer generated reading test. Grades from the tests will be entered into that
semesters gradebook. Points earned from the tests will allow students extra privelages in the
classroom. Privelages may include, but are not limited to, free time, treat basket, FREE
homework passes, etc. These items will be chosen by ME based on the difficulty of the book
and subsequent reading test.

My students will read Accelerated Reader books during school time only
Students will be reading these books during DEAR(drop everything and
read) time each day.. He/She will also have the opportunity to take the reading
test that corresponds with the book during DEAR time. Therefore, AR books
need to stay at school. This way we will be able to ensure that our library stays
complete and is enjoyed by everyone for years to come.

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