
Students have the number of absent days, plus ONE day,
to complete and turn in all make up work.
If a student chooses to wait two weeks and then turn in the
WILL NOT be accepted.
Absolutely no exceptions.

Copies of make up work will be labelled with the students
name and assignment date and placed in the
"Missed Work" folder under the monthly calendar,
it is the students responsibility to pick
up the work from the folder.

Parents may also call the school to get missed assignments,
however, assignments
will not be available
until after 3:15 p.m. on the dayof absense, this allows me time to gather all needed materials for the student.

For example: If student A is absent on Monday and Tuesday
and returns to school on Wednesday,
he/she has until Friday to turn in all missed assignments.
However, if missed assignments are picked
up by a parent on the day of absence, assignments are due when the student returns to school.

If a student is absent the day that a major project or presentation is due,
the project/presentation is due IMMEDIATELY upon the students return.

Students are always expected to turn in their best work.
Be prepared to do assignments over that were completed sloppily and without any effort.

Late Work
Assignments are expected to be turned in when they are due.
However, I understand that there
may be circumstances beyond a students control and he/she
may have to turn in a late assignment.
Assignments turned in one day late will lose 10 pts off of the final grade, two days late
will receive 20 pts off of the final grade. Late work will not be accepted after 2 days.
 Students are also expected to stay in at recess with me to complete assignements.
Class monitors check all of the previous evenings homework for completion in the morning and note it on a form.
Turning in late homework continually will not be tolerated. If this becomes a problem, I will contact parents immediately.

Weekly progress reports are sent home every Friday afternoon.
The progress report needs to be returned to school on Monday morning with a parent signature.
In the event that a student does not return the progress report he/she will
stay in during noon recess until the report is returned to school. If the progress report
has not been returned before the following Friday, I will have your child contact you
via telephone and tell you his/her grades. Progress reports are cumulative (based on all grades for the 9 weeks).
The purpose of these weekly reports is to keep parents informed of school work and progress.

Formal progress reports are sent home at the 4.5
week mark of each semester. Reports cards are sent home every nine weeks.
 Report cards are to be returned to school no later than 2 days after they were sent home.
Report cards needs to be returned complete with parent signature and comments.

Grades are county wide and based on the following scale
93-100 = A
85-92  = B
75-84  = C
65-74  = D
< 64     = F

Formal Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled around the end of the first nine weeks.
I will also contact parents if I have a behavior/absence/grade problem with your child.
Parents are also welcome to contact me if you  feel thatyour child is having problems.
 I am available for conferencing Mon-Thurs from 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. and
daily from 3:15 to 4:00 p.m. You may also contact me at the school 304-653-4221,
 and via email [email protected]

Book Reports and Projects
Each month students will read a novel at their reading level and complete a project.
Projects are due at the end of the month. Class time will be given for reading
and working on the project. Depending on how the class silent reading time was used,
students may need to do some more at-home reading in order to complete the book
and project before the deadline. Please see the homework page for more information
and reading log downloads (scroll down to the Reading Calendars section).

Please see the HOMEWORK page for more information.
Homework assignements will be updated each evening at

Mrs. Arbogast's SCHOOL NOTES page

Homework assignments must be done on loose leaf notebook paper only-not ragged edge paper
All homework must be turned in on time, be neat, and be complete
Proper headings must be listed on all homework handed in--see below for an example of a properly headed paper

Extra Credit

Extra Credit assignments will be placed in the extra credit folder in the classroom once per nine weeks.
It is the students responsibility to retrieve and complete any extra credit they wish to do.
 All extra credit assignments will take some time to complete, as they are usually counted as
 One and a half daily grades. Students are encouraged to begin extra credit work early--
waiting until the last day is
NOT a good idea. Extra credit work will only be
given to students that have turned in all assignments in a timely manner.

Book Orders
Book orders may be sent home periodically, please do not feel obligated to purchase books.
If you choose to purchase books, please make checks payable to the book company.

Scholastic News
Each student will  need to purchase a subscription to Scholastic News.
The  $4.00 subscription fee needs to be paid for by the end of the second week of school.
This magazine is distributed weekly and is a colorful and informative magazine that
will enhace your childs learning experience.

Supplies and Wishlist
Student supply lists are sent home before the beginning of the school year.
 Please have supplies to school by Monday, August 29, 2005.
You may visit the supplies and wishlist page here


Silent Reading: Students will be accountable for silent reading.
Students will be responsible for keeping up with a daily reading log.
The reading log will be checked by me every Friday. Monthly Reading logs can be printed here.

Writing:  Students may take home the Writing notebook if they choose.
Students will be expected
to complete final drafts by a posted due date.
Students should have plenty of
time to complete the final draft in class, students needing more time will be expected
to finish the assignment at home.

Science: Science will involve may hands-on activities.
We will also use technology to expand our learning.

Math: our new math series Everyday Math focuses on Problem Solving skills
as well as calculating answers. To enhance problem solving skills we will
be doing a great deal of journal writing. There will be class activites, the students journal,
discussions, games and practice, as well as the at-home practice,
known as the "HOME LINK" Students will be issued a hardback Student Reference Book.
The student book may be used at home to access the glossary, games pages,
 to "check your understanding", and for problem explanations. Student reference books must
be returned to school the next day. Visit the EVERYDAY MATH page for more details.
(Times tables are still important -- keep practicing!!!)

Social Studies: 5th graders study American History from the American Revolution to the present.
Your child will be assigned textbook readings and study guides for at home work,
we will be using class time to complete fun projects that relate to our curriculum.

Spelling: Weekly spelling words will come from the weeks Harcourt
 Trophies story. Students will also be responsible for the weeks vocabulary words.


  • Smiles
  • Praise
  • Whole-class free time
  • Treats during class
  • Positive notes
  • Positive e-mails/Calls home
  • Bonus points
  • Free homework passes
  • Various other positive perks
  • The joy of learning
Discipline Policy

If a student chooses to misbehave in class, he/she will receive his/her name on the board
as a "warning".
Upon the second infraction,
a check mark will be placed by the students name:

One check = 10 minutes lost recess
Two checks= 20 minutes lost recess
Three checks = 30 minutes lost recess

The above policy is in effect from noon to noon each day, there is no carry over.

In certain instances the  teacher/other staff member may determine an offense
as a "Detention" and  the student will immediately lose all recess. In these cases,
 the parent will receive a notice home from the school that needs to be signed and returned the next day.
 If the notice note is not returned on the second day, the student
will serve Detention until it is returned to school with a parents signature.

Other possible consequences:
Cooling off time
Parent-Teacher conferences
Temporary confiscation of disruptive or banned items
Behavorial contracts
Withdrawal of privileges, such as particapation in extra activities

Field Trips
The 5th grade class takes several field trips throughout the course of the year.
I will send a permission form home close to the date of
each trip with information and cost. The 5th Grade year will culminate
with our annual 4th/5th grade trip to Kings Dominion.
Both classes are expected to fundraise, fundraise, fundraise
to defray the cost of the trip.

CARS Program (Creating a Responsible Student)

Students may bring a healthy snack to eat mid-morning/late afternoon. Good items to send would
be applesauce, yogurt, fruit cups, crackers, or juice. Please do not send items with a high sugar
content (candy bars, cookies, pop.) The school also has a juice machine
 available to students, juice bottles are $1.00 each.
  In my class, students are allowed to purchase only
 ONE item per day from the juice machine--please do not send more than
 $1.00 to school per day for your child. Juice may be bought before
the first bell in the morning or during afternoon snack time at 3:00 p.m.

Water Bottles
Students may begin the year with a water bottle. However,
 if the priveledge is abused, water bottles will be banned in the classroom
Please send bottles with spill proof lids only. Water bottles will be sent home every
Friday to be washed and sanitized.

Pillows and Other Comfort items
Students are invited to bring in chair pillows, floor pillows,  and/or bean bags to
use in the classroom. Chair pillows will stay on the students' desk chair,
 but if a student brings in floor pillows and/or bean bags they will be shared
 among the students in the class. Pillows will be sent home periodically to be washed.


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