
What is Cosplay?
About Sesshi
About Rei
Sesshi's Costumes
Rei's Costume

A Fan's View


Contact Sesshi
Contact Rei


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Welcome to Imagination: Our Cosplay Site!!!

This page is dedicated to our love of cosplay. It's something that's defiantly changed both our lives. Together we are a cosplaying duo, and most importantly best friends. I (Rei) started in early 2000 and not long after persuaded Jessica (Sesshi) to join me. We've gone almost 2 years together and specialize in anime and video game costumes! The links to different sections of our site are located on the right. Be sure to check them out! Each place deals with something unique and different.
We hope you enjoy looking around! Come back again soon!

December 15. Pictures are now up for every costume BUT Tasuki. His will be up shortly.

December 14. More costume information and pictures were added. Also, included with the 'What is Cosplay' is a small section on Anime. Hopefully that will help clear up any questions.

December 13. Site is still being worked on. However, today the counter and guestbook were added. Be sure to sign the book! It's always nice to hear constructive criticism. Along with that are pictures and links now working (Including the convention pages). Take a look around! New stuff is always being added!

Although it's listed on the side, here are our e-mail addresses again. Be sure to contact us if you have any comments, questions or just want to say hi!
Contact Sesshi
Contact Rei

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