
I am honored that you have taken the time to visit my web site and are showing interest in your child's education.

It is so imperative that parents and teachers create alliances to be advocates for children in the classroom.
Additionally, as a parent myself, I know that the parent is the expert when it comes to a child's learning style and habits.

I hope to tap into your expertise to create an environment
in which your child is best able to learn.

To read more about my personal vision for teaching and learning,
please see
my teaching philosophy.

Please e-mail me at
[email protected] if you would like
to talk further about how I can help your child learn.

An excellent resource for parents with general education questions.
A website dedicated to parents, focusing on education and parenting.
Concerned about what your teen is watching or reading?
Check this website if you want to be more informed about your teenager's choices
of movies, music, television shows, and video games.
An online magazine for families with teens

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