Welcome, students!

I'm so pleased you've taken time to check out my fledgling web site. I hope to add to it from time to time, so please come back soon!

Check my
teaching philosophy if you're interested in learning more about my visions for
teaching and learning.

For students in Ms. Pankop's Honors British Literature class,
click here for links to the wonderful and
illustrious John Milton!


These are are wonderful activities for some of our great classic literatures.

Ayn Rand

The Diary of Anne Frank
Anne Frank

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Mark Twain

Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Zora Neale Hurston

To Kill A Mockingbird
Harper Lee

The Crucible
Arthur Miller

Check my reading list!
Back to Home Page
Links to sites that support literature

When I teach, I plan to utilize this great site to post my syllabi and
created threaded discussions and chat rooms.
Check it out!

chapbooks.com will publish student work at a very reasonable price,
all bound and organized in a book format.
Students in my English classes will definitely be utilizing this site.

The Shakespeare Classroom
This excellent site is perhaps one of the most comprehensive ones dedicated to the Bard, that I have found.
It is maintained by a Washington State University professor.

Sylvia Plath Forum and Links
One of my favorite poets, and a very intriguing character, to boot.
Read about the depth and breadth of Plath's work.

Robert Frost: America's Poet
Another comprehensive site, this one dedicated to perhaps America's most-loved poet.
Ayn Rand
A fascinating author.
Links to the Ayn Rand Institute.

First Search
A database of recently published periodicals.
A great source if you're looking for critiques or analysis.
The Elements of Style
An excellent site devoted to the rules of
grammar and composition.

Modern Language Association
This is the style guide for English essays and papers.

Links to Yahoo's Electronic Literature.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws