Our Corner of the Net
Welcome to our Family web site.  Being so far away from family and friends I thought this would be a nice way to share pictures and happenings with everyone.
Our Wedding, August 31, 2002 Christmas 2003
Amanda's Photo Gallery
I've gotten back into photography and I'm hoping to do a lot more soon.  These are some shots I got from my first class.  Hoping to take another class soon!
New Baby Page!!!!!
Family, Friends and Events
Wedding Details Zoe's Picture Album
Amanda's Going Away Party Coming Soon!!
Massey Family Party     
Wedding Pictures
Our New House    NEW!!!
Melissa's Advancement from 8th Grade
Random stuff
Reception 1
Our trip to Chicago
Reception 2
Reception 3
Honeymoon Pictures
Our Friends' Pages
Mike and Erin
If you would like your page linked here send me an e-mail with your link!
Solomon's web page
Paul and Chris
Keith and Diane
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