Created 30. March 2004.

A speculative look into the future

Necessity makes strange bedfellows. As an example, let us go to the magical time of late 1980s. At that time two companies fought fiercely over the game console market. Those companies were Sega and Nintendo. The atmosphere could be called openly hostile. Yet, fast forward some ten plus years and we find that these two companies are very close corporate partners.

This simple example hopefully demonstrates that seemingly impossible things happen, if there is a sound business reason for it. This phenomenon is not limited to business, but also applies to other aspects of life, such as politics.

In this article I have tried to think of events that are currently very unprobable, but may in fact happen some day. Read through them and think about them yourself. Are the ideas majorly stupid? Could they happen? When? What would be the implications of these events? What other unlikely events can you think of?

First patch to Linux kernel from Microsoft

Very strictly speaking this might already have happened. Some Microsoft employee might hack on the kernel somewhat on his free time. But in this case I mean an officially sanctioned patch developed by a MS employee on company time. While kernel patches are quite unlikely, patches to user space programs might be possible.

A major desktop/laptop manufacturer sells only Linux machines

Since none of the current major sellers could afford not to sell Windows machines (even if they wanted to), this calls for some new company. This can only happen if some current or future small Linux laptop maker grows enough to challenge the Dells and HPs. This would require Linux's global market share to be quite large, something like 30% or more.

Software patents are abolished

This one requires either a big swing in the political climate or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses to big companies (maybe due to junk patent vampirism by litigious companies). Another possibility is a humongous patent battle between two huge parties. Since it is widely known that big software houses have lots of patents on obvious stuff that pretty much everyone uses, a small lawsuit could expand to a huge inferno resulting in lots of smoking ruins and filthy rich lawyers. I have to admit that a no-holds-barred patent smackdown between IBM and Microsoft is an fascinating idea in some morbid way.

X gets replaced

The heading above is just about as old as X itself. The main arguments against changing X is that X works and the porting costs would be enormous. The first one pretty much still holds its own, but the second one is not as important anymore. Some years ago a lot of X programs used either Xlib or Athena widgets. Porting these kinds of programs to non-X platforms takes a lot of work. Most programs today are coded with modern, multiplatform toolkits, like GTK+ or QT. This gives a migration path away from X. These programs are just a recompile away from porting, since they don't have direct dependencies on X libraries. However, given the evolutionary nature of Unix, the X protocol most likely remains for the foreseeable future, but everything around it gets redesigned.

A 3D graphics card with fully open source drivers is introduced

The current state of 3D accelerated graphics cards on Linux is very non-optimal NVidia's video drivers are not open source and Ati's drivers, well, they are not nonexistant. There exists a market for a open source graphics card. An alternative to providing open source drivers is to fully document the card so the open source people can write their own drivers. While there are business (meaning secrecy) reasons in not revealing how hardware works, there are also advantages. Firstly, the said cards would most likely become popular among Linux people, even if they weren't the fastest ones around. Secondly you get a huge group of expert beta testers who can and want to track hard to find bugs and maybe even create fixes for them.

A new programming language gains popularity

C and C++ are the cornerstones of the computer industry. However they have several drawbacks considering modern systems. If a new language appears that hits one of these sweet spots, it has a chance to become popular. What could these features be? One irritating deficiency of C/C++ is the amount of rope the preprocessor gives you. For example there is no simple way of knowing what portions of source code are function calls without parsing the entire file. This makes integrated IDEs very hard to build. Note that I'm lining out languages based on virtual machines, like Java. They have their places, but it's not this one.

FSF relicences all its libraried to GPL

Currently many basic libraries that make up Linux are licenced under the LGPL. This means that closed source programs can link to them freely. Now suppose the FSF decides that all future releases are under the GPL. This would cause quite a ruckus among Linux developers. Some people would fork the old LGPL versions and develop them further. Others would perhaps try to port the corresponding libraries from the BSDs. Yet other people would start a new be all, end all project to create all new libraries from scratch. All these would most likely be binary incompatible, paving the way for a mountain of lost hair.
The above text speaks only of Linux. This was a choice dictated by clarity. In most places "Linux" could be replaced with any free operating system, such as NetBSD or Syllable.
(C) 2004 by Mr Shrap. All rights reserved.

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